The Seraphim of Magic.

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3rd POV: 

Many people have heard of the boy who lived, the one to survive against He who must not be named but another was born one that could rival both. Afterall, if there are wizards, witches and dragons who's to say there isn't Angels, Demons, and Gods? 

Much like the Wizarding world another world is hidden in plain sight and it all comes from one family and a boy born from both worlds of Miracles and Magic. Y/n Morningstar is the son of Lucifer Morningstar the devil himself and Auror witch Chloe Morningstar, two sides that were thought to of never of happened and only God could have knew then again maybe it was his plan all along. 

Very few wizards believe in this unmistakeable fact that Angels walk among us but they are as real as the spells they cast and the creatures they fight. We set our sights on a lone house out on the border of the bustling city of London, after peering through the haze of enchantments that hide it is then replaced by a large Cathedral of white and gold marble. Peering inside instead of rows upon rows of benches is a homely setting split up by walls of the white marble, a large kitchen and living rooms, bedrooms that fill the entirety of the second floor. In one of these rooms is our Protagonist staring outside looking at the hills and fields that encompass his home. 

Y/n's POV: 

"Y/N!", my Mum calls from downstairs most likely the kitchen. I quickly get out of the bed already dressed in the clothes I plan on wearing for the day and I make my way down the stairs, sliding on the banister to get down faster, I enter the kitchen only to find that it is covered in darkness then suddenly- 

"Happy Birthday!!", my family call out turning the lights on. Mum and Dad are standing at the front of the large group, then followed by my uncles Amenadiel, Michael and Gabriel to name a few along with my Aunts Remiel, Azrael and Mazikeen (although she prefers if I call her big sister instead.) out of excitement I charge to my parents jumping at them and spreading my six glowing white wings to lift me towards them they react quickly and catch me out of the air. 

"Has it arrived yet? My letter?", I ask almost forgetting to breathe, hiding my wings once again. My Dad nods and produces a letter from behind him. There it was the envelope with a large red wax stamp on the back presenting the symbol of Hogwarts, the letter I was waiting for as I counted down to the days of my birthday November 1st. 

I quickly opened it and with a big smile read its contents, I'm going to Hogwarts! Getting down from my parents arms I showed Mum the letter, "Hmm, the books have changed since I went to Hogwarts but I'm glad to know that Professor McGonagall still works there. If you'd like Y/n you can go to Diagon alley today?", she asked looking past the letter in her hands. 

"I can take him, we can have Grandfather and Grandson bonding time.", a booming voice entered the kitchen. I turned around to see my Grandfather, otherwise known by muggles as God, he had a large smile plastered across his face as he walked into the kitchen arms outstretched as if waiting for a hug. I could hear some of my Aunts and Uncles mutter behind me "Is that a good idea?", you see although Grandad is older than time itself he has a childlike personality when it comes to magic. 

Turning back to Mum who sceptically looked at Dad, who just nodded and then turned to me "How does that sound Y/n?", "Yeah! Can we go now?!", I replied unable to contain my excitement.     

"Very well I'll get the Floo Powder ready. Do you remember how to get past the wall?", Mum asked Grandad as the four of us walked to the fireplace. "Of course I do, I'm all knowing after all", Grandad comically stated. 

With a sigh and a small smile Mum handed the floo powder to us and we entered the fire pit and called out, "DIAGON ALLEY" and in a flash of green fire exited a different fire pit that was placed in what seemed to be an old and rustic bar. Following Grandad we entered through a back door and came across a large brick wall, I looked up at Grandad as he raised his right hand and tapped a few of the bricks in a pattern we waited a few moments before they sprung to life and began to move aside. 

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