Cold ones, Shifters and a Demon.

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Y/n's POV:

I cannot remember the last time I had left this cave, but I'm sure it has been more than a hundred years. After burning what remained of my previous home I found shelter in this cave. I was alerted by a sudden noise to the left of me as if something was attempting to breach my sanctuary.




The wall of rock slowly began to crumble from an unknown force that was originating from outside, quickly I grasped the handle of my blade releasing it slightly from the prison of it's scabbard as the purple hilt shined under the sunlight. I heard voices coming from outside.

"Hey! Its hollow over here. Get the jackhammers we can open it up.", a masculine voice spoke.

I didn't know what this jackhammer was but I was certain the voice outside was a human, ahh I haven't eaten for quite some time now that I mention it. I can feel my hunger consume me as the sweet scent of human flesh entered the cave. Soon enough an entrance was formed as three men entered the cave all dressed in unusual yellow and orange clothing, I stealthily dug the back of my heels into the ceiling of the cave allowing me to stay above my prey, once all three of them entered I decided to strike as I unleashed my blade activating my demon arts breathing in.

First form: Dark moon - Evening Palace!

As I swung my blade in a singular horizontal motion I released the chaotic crescent blades as they sliced and diced the prey who were unable to react as their heads and limbs were removed from their torsos

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As I swung my blade in a singular horizontal motion I released the chaotic crescent blades as they sliced and diced the prey who were unable to react as their heads and limbs were removed from their torsos. With my meal prepared I began to feast making sure to listen for anything that may approach my cave.

Once I had finished I chose to leave and explore this new word that I found myself in. As I walked past the unusual equipment that surrounded the cave I decided to enter into the forest below, it would be the perfect hunting ground in case any other humans became lost within it they would then become my source of food. Luckily, I wont have to consume as many humans compared to others of my kind but I highly doubt there are any others to begin with.

The last time I saw another Demon was when the leader Muzan was killed by the remaining demon slayers, I was lucky to escape but I was still being hunted down. It was a smart move to burn down that town leaving behind one of my arms in my old home, unlike others of my kind I discovered that I didn't turn to ash under sunlight instead I would emit a black smoke but I would feel no pain under this process.

Upon entering the forest I was welcomed by some of its wildlife, even in my past life I had always enjoyed walking among the animals I had encountered, walking up to me was a deer and its fowl they approached me with slight caution as I let them sniff my hands before I was allowed to pet them. Hopefully, this will be a much more peaceful life than my last. As I finished petting them they wondered away, so with nothing else to do I followed the fauna as they led me to an enclosed clearing with a large pond and an open moss covered cave resting beside it. For now this shall be my new home.


It has been a few months now and I have discovered that something else inhabits this forest, at first I was unsure of what it was as I found a few animals that were completely drained of their blood. My first guess were other Demons but I had never heard of a demon that would eat animals, what it actually was came as a surprise to me. Oddly dressed humans with golden eyes, I watched them from the high tree tops as they hunted a bear, the humans had an unusual and demonic sense of strength as one of them broke the bear's back while another sunk their fangs? into the bears tough skin. As I watched them it was common for the group to hunt in a pack, it was clear to me they relied on nature's strength in numbers ideology.

Through my study of these humans I had discovered their names: Emmet was the large brutish man with brown hair, Jasper was an average build male with dirty blonde hair, Edward was a thin male who also had brown hair. Usually accompanying them were two females Alice was a short quirky woman with short cut brown hair while the other Rosalie was a cold hearted woman who had long blonde hair. I could definitely not call them Humans anymore but they were clearly not demons either as not one of them seemed to possess a demon art. As I watched them from above the woman I now know as Alice gasped and grabbed her head in pain.

"Alice, what's wrong?", Jasper asked as he approached and supported her. "Is it a vision?", he asked to which the female had nodded. A vision? I wonder what that could be...

"Yes,", she started, "I don't know how to describe it, I can see a human but they're dressed in something from the Taisho era. They have as sword and AHH!", she screamed in fear and shock before fainting. As the others tended to the unconscious female I recollected what she had just mentioned, I knew nothing of this Taisho era but I hadn't seen anyone else with a sword so it is a great possibility that she was talking about me.

I was in such deep thought that I only noticed that the group had left when a crow had landed on my shoulder. I found that unlike the crows of the Demon slayers that would talk this one could not and only communicated through 'caws'. Despite this we were able to communicate with each other in simple terms, unfortunately.

Alice's POV:

"Ugh, my head", I muttered getting up off the couch only now noticing Jasper and Carlisle in the room.

"I'd advise you to stay seated Alice, Jasper told me you fainted after having a vision during your hunt.", Carlisle reminded me as I gave an unintentional shiver as the thought of my vision.

"Y-yeah.", I stuttered out. What ever that thing was it wasn't human it...

I clamped my eyes shut trying to rid myself of the flashes of images from my vision but it returned in harsher waves as they crashed into me.

This time I was standing in the forest, in front of me I could spot a shadow of a figure they were crouched down as if they were inspecting something before I could feel myself moving towards them.

Unfortunately, this had alerted the figure as they stepped into the moonlight showing what they were wearing: a purple and black haori, black trousers and black wrapped split toed shoes. After studying their appearance I finally looked at their- his face and what I saw had horrified me, looking back at me were six yellow eyes that were surrounded by a sea of red. I could feel each eye study me as the male's blackish red tied up hair swayed in the wind. Before I knew what had happened I felt something pass through me as the last thing I could see was my body as my head hit the ground.

"Ahhh!", I screamed as I awoke from my vision. I could feel Jasper trying to comfort me but I couldn't hear the voices of comfort as the flashes of my death repeated within my mind. I had to repeatedly check that my neck was attached to my body as I wrapped by hands around where I believed my neck was severed.

Once again everything faded to darkness as the voices became quieter and quieter.

A/n: how was that? I was inspired to write this from a few peoples stories:



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