An Agent before an Alien.

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3rd POV:

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*


A hand emerges from the covers of a bed as it silenced the alarm beside it. Pulling the covers back we are greeted with a man roughly in his early 20's rub the sleep out of his (e/c) eyes as they flash a glowing cosmic blue momentarily before returning. The male gets out of his bed, shivering as his feet touched to cold wooden floor of his room as he prepared for the day.

After getting changed into his uniform for the day, which was a classic black business suit with a (f/c) tie that hung loosely from his neck as he straightens his (h/c) hair with one hand while holding a toothbrush in the other, the male stared blankly at his reflection for a moment before walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Walking over to the toaster as it popped he pulled out the slices of bread as he sighed.

"Burnt again...", he mutters as he grabs a bottle of honey and spread it onto what unfortunately was his breakfast for the day.

Upon finishing the man grabbed his keys and a clip that held his ID card which had, Agent L/n, S.H.I.E.L.D. , printed on the face of it along with a mugshot of our protagonist. Tucking the clip into his inside pocket the male checks he has everything before slamming his door shut and taking his usual route to his workplace.

Once reaching the building he received a note from a higher up at his desk as it read,

Agent L/n,

You are to be moved from desk duty over to Active Agent under Director Nick Fury at the Helicarrier. Collect required items from Locker number 137. There will be a quinjet waiting for you at 1200.

Checking over the note again the male seemed to have slightly panicked as he checked his watch to find that he had only an hour left so collecting a few items from his desk the male hurried off to the lockers.

Arriving just in time to get onto the quinjet Agent L/n was greeted by a man in a similar attire to him.

"Hello, you must be the transfer. Agent L/n, correct? I'm Agent Coulson. Before we head off to the Helicarrier I have to debrief you on how things will work in terms of assignments and such.", Coulson told the man.

"Understood sir.", L/n replied as he was handed a file to read over while Coulson pointed anything else out that was needed.

Y/n's POV:

Well, I'm definitely moving up in the world. After getting all the required information from Coulson I was told that I would receive more intensive training as I have been promoted from desk duty. It made sense despite the fact that my body only looked human on the outside compared to my insides. But neither Coulson nor SHIELD know of this fact otherwise I'd either be interrogated or tested on and I'd prefer neither.

But living on Earth hasn't exactly been normal either especially with the emergence of Tony Stark announcing his reveal of Iron man I can only hope that I may hide on Earth longer before other worlds turn their attention to it.

"Now, before you're put in the field on your own you'll be following me around. I'd say you would need a firearms test but from looking at your scores you had aced it only being half a second later than Agent Barton.", Coulson reviewed my test scores, "Although it seems you need some more training in terms of hand to hand combat but I'm sure we can find some time in the future.", he analysed.

Soon enough we made it to the Helicarrier where Agent Coulson showed me around the base until we were both called by the Director to meet at the bridge.

"Sir, this is Agent L/n our newest active agent.", Coulson introduced me to Director Fury who gave me an analysing scowl before raising his hand out for a handshake.

As I shook his hand he spoke, "Welcome to the Helicarrier agent. You'll be following Agent Coulson for your first few missions before I see that you are fit to work solo, this will be different from your desk duties. You best be up for it."

"I hope to meet your expectations, sir.", I spoke with mild confidence as we broke the handshake and were debriefed on our first assignment by Agent Hill the right hand woman of the Director.

"Agent Coulson, L/n. You will be heading towards Mr Stark's residence. This will be a house arrest. He must not leave his home until we are certain that he has finished with his project. Understood?", Agent Hill asked.

"Yes Ma'am.", I answered as I followed Coulson to the quinjet being given another file on anything that the news didn't tell me already in regards to the 'Iron man'.


I've been on a few missions now with Agent Coulson, meeting Tony Stark, the Asgardians and seeing the Destroyer that was loosely based of my peoples' ability to siphon energy from their surroundings. I was lucky that I was no where near them or they may have recognised me. Luckily, Shield training specialises in stealth so I was undetected.

As I sat in my quarters of the Helicarrier I began to feel a disturbance as if there was a sudden release of cosmic energy on Earth and I could feel my form react to this change. My human form began to shift: my fingers began to turn into clusters of shining stars, slowly the stars reached up my arms as my body changed into a silhouette of a nebula the only defining feature were my eyes that were reflecting on the metallic surface of the walls.

 My human form began to shift: my fingers began to turn into clusters of shining stars, slowly the stars reached up my arms as my body changed into a silhouette of a nebula the only defining feature were my eyes that were reflecting on the metalli...

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It had been such a long time seeing my true form I had almost forgotten it but I remembered why I had to hide myself and slowly but surely I drew in the cosmic cloud that surrounded me as I returned to my human form.

There was then a knock on my door, getting up to open it I was greeted with the face of Agent Coulson who looked slightly exhausted.

"Agent Coulson, is there an issue?", I asked.

"Yes, Barton has been compromised and the Tesseract has been taken by an Asgardian by the name of Loki. Your first mission solo will be to retrieve Agent Romanoff in Russia.", the agent informed me as I made my way to the quinjet.

My first solo mission... I wonder how this I gonna go.

A/n: thought this would be a cool idea. An alien hidden within the ranks of shield. Yes, you are a Diad from MIB. They're pretty Op.

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