The soldier that could get back up.

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3rd POV:

Out in the vast wasteland that surrounded the town of Jasper was an old derelict warehouse but within that warehouse there were countless soldiers and scientists all either guarding or researching something. But there were two soldiers not doing anything.

The first was an old man with army cut grey hair, brown eyes and a large scar across the left side of his face. The second man was around 20 years of age, he held determined e/c eyes and slightly longer h/c hair than the man in front of him.

"I'm sorry to ask this of you Y/n but I need you to go and check out this signal, I've sent the location to your phone. We'll call once you've arrived.", the old man addressed the younger male.

"No problem Silas, I need the drive.", Y/n joked before he left the warehouse but he was unaware of the sinister grin of Silas as he left.


Upon arriving at the location which was a warehouse similar to the one he was at before was beside a large cave of sorts. Getting out of the car Y/n went to inspect the cave out of curiosity but as soon as he entered he was shocked by what he had discovered.

Two large metallic beings stood at the entrance, in hopes that they couldn't see him Y/n quickly exited the cave just in time to receive a call from Silas.

"Are you at the location?", Silas asked slightly agitated.

"Yeah, you won't believe what I've seen though.", Y/n replied as he looked into the cave only for the two figures to no longer be there.

"I know already. I struck a deal with them, if they removed a thorn, I would help them in their goal.", Silas said cryptically until an unusual whirring could be heard and Y/n turned around to be face to blaster of the two metal beings.

Taking a further look at them Y/n noticed they were almost completely purple with a red visor and silver face plate. These were the Decepticons but to Y/n they were advanced machines for all he knew.

"Let me guess, I'm the thorn."

"Ha ha ha! You're quick on the uptake Y/n. Yes, I've been hearing rumours around MECH and I'm not pleased about it so I plan on removing you before they become reality.", Silas answered as the whirring of the blasters got louder until there was a flash of light followed by an explosion that almost completely obliterated Y/n's body.

As he slowly began to fade out of consciousness he could hear Silas' laughter echo from the phone as well as the sound of a helicopter approaching before everything went dark.

Y/n's POV:

Am I dead?

I tried to open my eyes but it was as if they were sealed shut by something. I could hear beeping from somewhere around me as well as the sound of boots coming closer and closer towards me before stopping.

"Is he alive?", a male voice asked from the darkness.

"Yes but barely. The scaring across his body, it's as if the skin on his body had melted, we can't treat it without damaging him further. We had to remove the damaged limbs before they could risk infection but the limb that remained is practically decorative at this point. He's a perfect candidate.", another male replied this one held confidence and glee?

"Thank you Doctor Carter, is he awake?", the first male asked as he addressed the Doctor.

"He is.", the doctor answered before the sound of his footsteps left.

"Hello, Mister L/n. My name is Agent Fowler, we were luckily to find you and even more surprised that you were alive after what you had encountered. As you probably overheard your situation is not good son.", he introduced with a solemn tone.

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