From Human to Monster.

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Y/n's POV:

It was just like any other day, a day of adventure, exploration and uncovering the unknown. I would never of thought that it would also be my last day as a human too.


There I was exploring the Amazon rainforest, hunting down an ancient ruin that was rumoured to exist deep within this natural city. I got the clue to the Amazon after looking at some intricate designs of a monastery and what I could guess a glowing pillar on top of it, on a stone tablet that I had picked up a few months prior from one of my contacts in Cuba.

I felt at peace here, out in the wilderness. No ties to civilisation around me. Just... well, me.

As I continued my trek through this forest, I finally found it, the monastery. Covered in green vines, moss and destroyed by the nature around it. Completely hidden from the outside world.

"Wow.", I was overwhelmed by the sight of it. An almost indescribable beauty that radiated off each and every stone brick that built the structure.

But this was only one of two things that I was looking for and I was eager to find its other half. So, as I carefully continued my climb up it's moss covered steps, avoiding the snake like roots that broke through the stone gateway.

Once I had entered the ancient ruin, I was amazed at what I had seen, brightly coloured murals decorated each and every surface. Each of them telling their own story, one caught my eye: two colours clashing against each other, one a heroic blue while the other was a sinister purple, there were figures on each side too.

There were too many to count on the purple side, some tall and skinny, one feminine with a spider-like design, and the biggest was leading the purple side with a large sword and a gladiator appearance.

The blue side was different, or rather limited, three small figures that seemed to be children then a large rounded figure followed by a smaller female and a young looking male figure. There was also an older male figure who seemed to be healing the female. Finally, the one leading the blue side seemed to be a scholar of sorts, but he also held a sword although reluctantly as the figure had a look of regret in his eyes.

It was then that I tore my gaze from the mural and decided to delve deeper into the ruins. After a few twists and turns I arrived at what seemed to be a large hall of some kind. The ceiling must have been about 20 maybe even 30 feet high but it still looked pretty sturdy too.

Then I saw it. The pillar placed in the center of the room, it was shining a slight silver under the sunlight that peeked through the cracks of the stone walls. But it's detailed intricacies, it was definitely not made by man. I walked closer, until I was face to surface with it.

"I wonder what secrets you hold.", I muttered to myself as my hand grazed its cold surface and that moment was when everything changed. There was a sudden flash of blue light and I fell into unconsciousness, the last time I felt pain was when by body hit the stone floor.

Flashback end:

"Find it quickly! We must bring it back for Lord Megatron immediately!", I could hear the irritating voice bark it's orders as they echoed through the rain forest.

My body was close to the ground as I watched my prey, their shiny metal purple bodies creating a light tapping sound as rain hit their skin. Their leader was slim, had what appeared to be jet wings on his back and was in a constant state of fear.

I pounced. Slashing apart another of the purple ones to ribbons before dodging back into the shadows of the forest, the moon highlighting my fur.

"What is it?!", a shorter red metal being asked with large curved shoulders and a pointed crown. It was scared too as it huddled closer to the leader in hopes of protection.

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