The Priest and the Cold ones.

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Carlisle's POV:

The sun was out today so I decided that we should stick to being in the forest today, I was about to call for Edward when he came bursting through the door with a look of panic on his face.

"Carlisle, we've got a problem.", Edward spoke almost shouting in panic.

"What is it? What's wrong?", I asked as I sat him down on the sofa. He was really agitated but what could make him like this.

"A Priest. I saw a Priest, they were talking to the principal of the school.", he spoke. It was as if time had stopped as a wave of fear crashed over me. Trying to compose myself I had to make sure it was a real priest.

"Are you sure? If there's an actual Priest here we need to be extra careful and show we're not a threat to the humans that are here.", I said as I grasped Edward's shoulders.

"I'm sure, they were a male with short (h/c) hair and a tattoo of a cross resting on the bridge of the nose and above the eyebrows. From the stories you've told me it's definitely a Priest.", he replied. Letting go I fell back onto the sofa.

"Edward, once everyone has come back tell them the news. We need to be as friendly and peaceful as possible or we could be wiped out in a day.", I spoke as I got up and prepared the second living room.


Now that everyone has arrived we can now discuss the Priest in Forks.

"Ok, so for those of us that haven't heard of a Priest or seen one before. What are they and why are you so scared of them?", Rosalie spoke up with her nonchalant attitude speaking up for the younger vampires of the group.

"*sigh* A Priest is a vampire hunter, they're an evolved and enhanced human that are on par or greater than us.", I began as Jasper, Emmet, Rosalie and Alice looked at me in shock, "One Priest in particular is stronger than the others, I believe this Priest is here in Forks and will be joining the school. Priests are known to adapt to any attack pattern so it would be best to avoid a confrontation at all. If we show aggressiveness it won't matter what family we are from he'll hunt us down."

"He? Do you know him?", Alice asked in a curious tone.

"Yes, he is Y/n. He was given the title of First son by the church, he's the strongest out of all the Priests. He is also the reason why the Volturi are in hiding rather than hunting down any human they come across.", I explained to them. This had gained Edward's attention as he looked at me in shock.

"I think it would be best if you tell Bella about the Priest just in case she runs into trouble.", I warned to which he nodded before taking out his phone and calling her. Turning to the others I spoke again, "We need to be as friendly as possible so I want you to invite him to our next Baseball match."

"Are you serious?!", Rosalie exclaimed in shock.

"Very. I must go now.", I finished as I left them. I can only hope it all goes well.

The next day:

Y/n's POV:

With the church and Volturi signing a pact Priests are no longer needed, there are still a few of us left. Those that remain protect parts of the world, myself and the third daughter protect America, the other sons and daughters protect their assigned locations. I've come to Forks for two reasons: the first being the fact that there are 'friendly' vampires here and the second being that I've been tracking a trio of vampires across America and they were heading here. I doubt they have realised I have caught up to them so once they arrive I can kill them swiftly, I had spoken with the principal of the school here to learn more about this world all I've ever done is hunt it would be nice to try something else for a change of pace.

God knows I need a change, only hunting new bloods has become a bore now so what else can I do but something normal like school. I smiled to myself as I picked up my school bag, pocketed my phone and pulled my hood over my head. Exiting my house and locking the door I began to lightly jog to the school spotting an old rust coloured pick up drive past me towards the school.

Once I arrived I entered through the doors and walked to the principal's office. Getting my timetable I began to search for my first classroom, finally finding it I knocked on the door and was greeted by the teacher.

"New student?", he asked with a tired voice which I replied with a nod. He opened the door and told me to introduce myself and to take off my hood.

"Sorry, forgot I had it on.", I apologised as I took off my hood. I heard a gasp from the back of the room spotting a blonde haired girl with shining gold eyes, she looked at me with slight fear before quickly hiding behind a book in front of her.

"My name is Y/n L/n, I've just moved here recently. Hope we get along.", I spoke with a smile.

"Does anyone have any questions for Mr L/n before he takes his seat?", the teacher asked as a few hands had shot up in response to his question.

I chose a short brown haired girl from the back who was sitting next to the blonde girl, "What's with the tattoo?", she asked in a bubbly tone.

"Oh, I was taken in by a church after my parents were killed in an accident and decided as a way to remember where I came from to get the tattoo.", I responded. This was the story I came up with of course it's only half true but they don't need to know that, it's easier to say they died in an accident than that they were murdered by vampires.

There were a few other questions after that like what I liked, if I was single and a few more before I was allowed to sit at the back of the class and listen to the teachers lecture.


It was now lunch time, I was sitting at one of the tables until I noticed an unusual group of people accompanied by the two girls from my class, Rosalie and Alice, all sat together at a table opposite mine. They were all quietly talking to each other sometimes looking at me for a few moments before turning back and picking but not eating their food. I was able to pick up the male's names during their conversation, Edward, Emmet and Jasper.

After a while another girl joined their table and sat next to Edward as they began to talk about baseball, I decided to drown them out as I listened to other conversations most of them were about me which wasn't surprising, man does gossip fly around quickly here. I was about to leave when I heard the shuffling of a few people behind me.

"Hey! You the new guy?", I heard a male voice behind me, turning around I saw a rather brutish looking jock accompanied by a few guys behind him. I presume he's the bully of the school, let's see how this goes.

"Yes, that's me. And you are?", I asked slightly annoyed at the guy's arrogance.

"I'm the guy that'll beat you up if you don't move from my table.", he said as he cracked his knuckles. Upon saying this the cafeteria had become silent as everyone was watching. I couldn't help but chuckle at these idiots.

"What you laughing at?"

"Heh, I'm sorry I didn't see your name on this table but maybe you should find a different one for all your boyfriends. I don't think this one could hold your weight." I teased. The bystanders around me oohed in reaction to my comment as the bully began to go red in the face.

"Now, if you have nothing else to say to me I'm going to continue to eat.", I said.

In what seemed to be a fit of rage the bully charged towards me, as I was still sitting I grabbed him by the shoulders before flipping him onto the table and throwing a quick jab to his face and broke his nose.

"Can we end it here now?", I asked the other jocks as they wearily backed off making way for me as I walked past them and to my next class.

I have an uneasy suspicion that the unusual group of people and the girls from my class are vampires, I just hope I'm wrong on this. Just in case though I've made sure I've got my dagger along with a few other tools that I may need.

A/n: how was that? Thought it would be cool to have a Priest in Twilight. I got the idea of First son by the inquisitors from Star Wars thought it would be cool if the Priests were similar.

Also the song above is one I found on YouTube and it's so cool!! I came across it at random when I was trying to looks for vampire hunter related films.

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