99's R.E.D.

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A/n: this story was inspired by Nitro_12345 for his amazing Brooklyn 99 stories so I thought I'd give it a try and combined it with one of my favourite films RED. Hope you enjoy.

3rd POV:
In the busy precinct of the 99 in Brooklyn, New York, the detectives are seen crowding the desk of Jake Peralta as he theorises the lateness of their Police Captain Holt.

"Maybe he was attacked on the way here and is being held hostage for ransom.", he started before his Sergeant Terrance 'Terry' Jeffords cuts in.

"I highly doubt the captain has been attacked, he's probably just running late.", he waved off the young detective's claims.

"But Holt's never late. Something must be wrong.", Amy Santiago and Jake's desk mate exclaimed in worry.

"See.", Jake pointed out as he turned to the now slightly worried Sergeant.

Suddenly the all knowing ding of the elevator rung through the precinct as Captain Holt exited the elevator accompanied by a man of similar age to the captain with (h/c) hair that was now slightly greying at the sides and his (e/c) eyes that held a sense of experience within them. Unlike Holt who wore his Captains uniform this man wore a simple red and black checkered shirt that stretched slightly from his built form and blue jeans the two men then approached the young detectives.

"Why are you not working?", Holt asked as he looked at all the detectives.

Before Jake could come up with an excuse the new man intervened, "Now now, Holt I'm sure your detectives were worried that you didn't arrive on time today. Merely the curiosity that comes with youth.", the man said in a knowing tone.

"Yes, I am five minutes late than my scheduled time.", the captain began as he checked his watch, "Detectives this is Y/n L/n an old friend of mine. We used to work a few cases when Y/n was in the CIA, he's retired now.", the captain introduced the man to them.

"Woah, the CIA.", Jake spoke in awe of the man before him.

"It's a pleasure.", Y/n said as he shook hands with each of the detectives before being directed by Holt to his office.

"Wow, who'd think the captain had connections with someone from the CIA.", Amy said as she tried to peek through the blinds of Holt's office from afar.

"Badass.", the hardened detective Rosa Diaz said as she too tried to peer through the blinds.

"What's he doing here though?", Charles Boyle, self proclaimed as Jake's best friend asked.

"Dunno but imagine all the cool stories a guy from the CIA has like saving the world from terrorists that have a nuclear bomb and plan to blow up Moscow with it to start world war three.", Jake fanboyed at the possibilities.

Unknown to the detectives was the fact that the two men had now left the office and were behind the group as Jake fantasised the many missions Y/n may have been on.

"You're close.", Y/n stated alerting the detectives as they spun around to face him.

"Although, at the time it wasn't just Moscow but Hong kong and Tokyo as well but you're probably not interested in old stories.", Y/n said knowing full well the young detectives hung onto every word.

"Detectives, Y/n here will be joining the 99 and will be a part of Tactical training as a way of keeping ourselves safe when out on the field. I hope you all take his teachings seriously. Y/n you will have to share a desk with Detective Diaz for the time being.", Holt said before shaking hands with Y/n and returning to his office.

"So, any do's and don'ts when being your desk mate?", Y/n asked Diaz as the two walked over to their desks with Jake and Boyle following them.

"Yeah, don't talk about personal life stuff and don't be like Boyle.", Rosa said with slight disgust as she pointed at the said detective who wanted to argue but was silenced by her deadly glare.

"I think I can manage.", Y/n chuckled at Rosa's harsh tone but was then interrupted by Jake.

"How do you know Captain Holt?", Jake asked.

"Well like Holt said we worked on a few cases. One of the more famous and older gangs in New York tried to dig their hands into military grade weaponry along with getting their hands on some plutonium, I was called in to retake the plutonium before it could be used as a bomb in one of the most populated areas in America.", Y/n explained as he crossed his arms and enjoyed the shocked faces of Jake, Boyle and surprisingly Rosa who quickly fixed her expression and pretended to work on her computer.

"Woah...", the two detectives said in awe of the story.

"Well, now that I am here I might as well go and collect my things.", Y/n spoke up as he left towards the elevator.

The next day:

Y/n is seen at his desk which has now been decorated slightly to the retired CIA's liking. A few photos of Y/n dressed in a navy blue military uniform receiving medals along with a few others dressed similarly to him but the most unusual thing that was found on his desk was what seemed to be a piece of scrap metal held in a glass case.

Jake walked past him before noticing the case, "Hey Y/n, what's that bit of metal?", the young detective asked as he got a closer look at the case.

Held within the case seemed to by what remained of a timer which was charred on one side along with a few wires and a circuit board poking out from where it had been broken off.

"Hm? Oh, that. It was a part of a bomb that went off in the Sahara desert, I was lucky enough to transport it somewhere where there were no people around but was unable to stop the countdown. Lots of organisations had killed people to get the bomb in the first place. It's a reminder that at the time I could have done more to save people despite it being classified as a successful mission.", Y/n answered solemnly as he looked at the case, his e/c eyes looking at the charred remain that sat undisturbed on his desk.

"Oh well umm...", Jake despite being amazed by the story was unable to speak after hearing it until Rosa cut in.

"But you probably saved a lot more people after that right?", she asked.

"Yeah, well my team and I did the best we could in that regard.", Y/n gave a slight smile towards the usually hardened detective while Jake was quickly dragged away by Terry for almost ruining the moment.

A/n: wasn't sure how to continue so I've stopped it here before I ruin the story. So Y/n is part of R.E.D or Retired Extremely Dangerous. I thought it'd be an interesting idea and have him be a friend of Holt.


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