The other Hybrid...

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3rd POV:

" Experiment number 003: beginning gem shard and organic fusion. Previous attempts have yielded no results this one is most likely the same.", a nasally female voice spoke.

" The fusion has started, gem shards used are comprised of quartz shards for their excellent durability. If successful there will be a new breed of warriors.", the voice coming from a tall, green form with a triangular shaped green gem replacing her left eye. Her monologue is cut off by the screams of pain from the room she is facing.

A figure of a boy roughly around the age of 10 with short (h/c) hair his eyes tightly shut as he is writhing around in pain as the gem shards are implanted into the boy's body. After a few more moments the screams have stopped, the boy strapped to the table stops moving.

A sigh escapes from the green female, "Another failure, what is going wrong? I- ", she is distracted when there is a bright flash of (f/c) light and where the boy once laid was now replaced by a large black tiger on the left of the animal were glowing (f/c) shards protruding from the face, left shoulder and along its front paw. The silence is cut by a new voice commanding in nature.

"Peridot, report. Has there been a success in your experiments?", the voice questioned, however this had now doomed the now known Peridot as the black tiger's face turned to the noise. It's eyes matching the glowing energy from the (f/c) shards on its side.

Slowly it crept towards the screen bordering between the two of them before it finally pounced shattering the screen and a high pitched scream followed soon after...

Steven's POV:

"Aaaahhhh!!!", I screamed waking up from my nightmare. This had of course alerted the crystal gems as they barged out of the temple door with their weapons brandished prepared for a fight.

Still panting I sat up, sweating slightly as I addressed them.

"S- Sorry guys, I- I had a nightmare.", I spoke still shaken from my dream. It had just been a few days after the incident involving Amethyst and the Slinker.

"What was it Steven?", Pearl asks in a gentle tone approaching the bed.

After a few moments of recollecting myself I told the gems of my nightmare. A few shocked gasps escaped Pearl's lips, Garnet's fist was shaking in noticeable anger and even Amethyst was silent her eyes wide open as if in realisation. Once I had finished Amethyst was surprisingly the first to speak up.

"Dude, I can't believe you dreamed of another animal that looked like that.", this had confused me and the other gems as we turned to her for an explanation.

"Oh! I saw a giant snake that looked like it had gems stuck on its side, I tried to go after it but it disappeared.", Amethyst answered to our silence.

Garnet spoke up, " Where did you see it?"

"Uhh on Mask island I think.", Amethyst replied sleepily. A sense of drowsiness washed over me, something which was quickly caught on by the motherly worry of Pearl.

"Steven is still tired. Tomorrow we will go to Mask Island and look for the creature. For now let's return to our room. Goodnight Steven", Pearl finished with a smile and she followed by the remaining crystal gems.

The following morning:

Arriving at Mask Island via the warp pad, the Crystal gems and I began our search by splitting up and searching the island in four separate directions. Garnet's future vision was apparently no help in this situation as if the creature could avoid it.

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