The Jedi of Pandora.

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Obi wan Kenobi's POV:

As Anakin and I returned to Coruscant from another mission we were called by Master Windu to come to the Jedi council for a mission of "upmost importance", upon entering the room I immediately noticed something was off as Anakin soon pointed this out.

"Where is Master Yoda?", he asked the council. Their response wasn't calming at all as they turned to look at each other before Master Windu spoke.

"While you were away Master Yoda told us he had sensed something different in the force,", the Jedi master began, " when I had asked him all he said was that there was a planet of living force I tried to meditate on this to know what he was talking about but once I awoke I was alerted that Master Yoda had left the planet.", Windu spoke in a troubled tone rubbing his chin in thought.

That's not something Master Yoda would do especially on his own.

"What about his ship? Can't you track it?", Anakin asked the Master. To which Master Plo Koon responded.

"We did, but he entered an unknown part of the outer rim and it was as if he had completely vanished.", he spoke bringing up a hologram of the last coordinates of Yoda. Looking at the hologram it was very similar to how Kamino was removed from our archives just a blank space surrounded by stars.

"Master Yoda is an important member of the council which is why you will be tasked to find him. We cannot let the Sith or the Separatists know that he has disappeared.", Master Windu ordered. In return we nodded and left the council room heading to our ship.

On the way Anakin picked up Ashoka from the library as we briefed her on the next mission.

"That's very unlike Master Yoda. What did you think he meant by living force?", she asked Anakin and I.

"I dunno snips but let's go figure it out.", Anakin replied as we entered the bridge of the ship where the Admiral and Captain Rex were standing round the holo table.

"Is everyone aboard?", I asked the pair.

"Yes sir, we're ready.", Captain Rex answered with a salute.

"Then let's not keep Master Yoda waiting.", Anakin said as the ship entered hyperdrive.


We had just exited hyperdrive as the ship was faced with a large blue planet in front of a gas giant.

What I had found unusual was the way the force felt as we got closer to the planet

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What I had found unusual was the way the force felt as we got closer to the planet.

"Master do you feel that?", Ashoka asked Anakin.

"Yeah, I think I know what Master Yoda meant by Living force now. It's like we're getting pulled closer to the planet.", Anakin spoke as I looked at the clones who were unaffected by this.

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