A Phantom in a galaxy far far away.

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3rd POV:

"Ugh, where am I?", a male spoke as he stood up from the coarse sand.

Looking out into the distance there was nothing as far as the eyes could see just the bleached sand on the ground and the cloudless blue sky over head.

"Maybe backtracking will help.", the male started as he brushed the sand out of his (h/c) hair.

"Uhh... oh right! After watching a fight between the green lanterns and red lanterns I wondered how convenient it would be if you could just change the colour of the ring to tap into that emotion. Luckily I had already collected any alien tech from previous fights and began to make my own ring.", the male clenched his right hand into a fist and felt something between his fingers. Looking at his hand he saw a clear coloured ring with a flat square face on his middle finger.

Staring at the ring for a few moments as a wave of realisation hit him, "Holy shit!! It worked! But wait, why am I here and not the lab, there was a flash but I woke up here?", he pondered before he checked what he was wearing.

The man was dressed in more casual clothes that were definitely not suited to the environment he found himself in: some simple trainers, loose jeans, a (f/c) T-shirt and an unzipped cream coloured hoodie. As he gazed up at the sky once more the male discovered something else.

"Ah, a beautiful blue sky with two glowing suns... two glowing suns. Well, I know I'm definitely not on Earth for a fact which only begs the question where am I?"

Y/n's POV:

I was suddenly alerted by an automated female voice that came from my ring.

"Location: unknown. Scanning Oa archives, location not found. Possibility of user in unknown space 85%. Suggest to search for civilisation.

Selection: Power of Will."

The voice said and I was suddenly enveloped by a glowing green orb that began to shrink down to my body as I clamped my eyes shut waiting for the inevitable death that never came. Opening my eyes I felt no different gazing down and looking at myself I noticed that I was wearing something similar to a green lantern suit although mine was considerably darker as it had black covering most of my body with glowing green lines around it.

A/n: ignore the symbol

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A/n: ignore the symbol.

Wanting to test this new power I thought of something simple as I raised my right arm, shooting out of my now green ring was a simple green ball that bounced on the sand until it rolled to a stop.

"Marvellous.", I exhaled. Although it was simple I was amazed that I was able to replicate alien technology, so I decided to experiment a little bit more as I thought of something else. The ball had vanished into green particles and it was now replaced with a glowing green tiger. It's white eyes looked at me before it blinked and began to roll around on the ground like a puppy begging for attention.

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