Marvel's Renegade.

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Y/n's POV:


I landed on one of the nearby rooftops as silently as possible. Despite the avengers being around supers were being hunted by the government as a way of preventing other destruction prone teams from popping up and crime has been at an all time high. So, I'm out to test my new equipment and gear.

"Alright, Firewall. It's time for our routine op check.", I spoke to my Ai.

"All equipment and suit is operational, I would suggest you test your disks before hand.", Firewall suggests within my helm.

I nod as I reach behind me and pull a black hollow disk from my back I grab it with both hands before sliding it apart separating it. Checking that they were both working, as waves of heat radiated off them as they glowed in the pollution filled night, I reconnected them and placed the disk on my back then checking the batons that were connected to the outside of my thighs.



Gunshots and they're nearby, I run along the nearby rooftops until I spot two figures standing on a roof a few feet from mine. The first figure is dressed in a casual attire with what I can guess to be an American themed shield, the second figure is dressed in all black with the only noticeable feature being a metal silver arm. The first figure throws the shield at the second only for them to catch it with the metal arm before it is thrown back at them. Hang on... isn't that Captain America?

"Firewall, I want you to keep an eye on Captain America. Something is going on and if an avenger is here it's best I keep track of them.", I told my Ai.

"Understood, there were reports of gunfire nearby as well as an ambulance being called. The victim is believed to be Director Nick Fury.", Firewall begins showing his profile and the location of the call, "I suggest for you to keep a distance until the correct time."

"Makes sense, alert me if there are any changes. You've hacked into Shield before just be more discreet this time. ", I ordered as I grasped one of my batons and leapt off the roof breaking them apart as light blue lines emerged from them creating my light jet.

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Putting it into stealth mode I flew into the night sky and back to base, making sure to stay hidden in the clouds as I flew

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Putting it into stealth mode I flew into the night sky and back to base, making sure to stay hidden in the clouds as I flew.


Arriving at the abandoned warehouse I disengaged the light jet as it begun to dismantle itself allowing me to pocket the baton once again, I entered through the large corrugated steel doors and closed them behind me. Taking the disk off my back I placed it onto the centre of the floor, standing for a few moments I watched as blue lines traced along the concrete floor zigzagging around me and tracing my feet as I was then pulled underground by a rectangular black platform, my disk followed after me reconnecting with my back.

As I stood in the pitch black room I waited until the scan was complete, there was a slight ding as the familiar blue lines lit up the room I was in which was filled with screens and a pedestal for my disk. Removing my helmet and flattening my (h/c) hair I walked towards one of the holographic screens as the red line of Firewall came to tell me what he had discovered.

"As per your commands I have accessed more Shield files, it seems that the infamous nazi faction known as Hydra is hidden within Shield, they plan on releasing three new Helicarriers as a part of a project called insight to target any individuals that may be a threat to them.", Firewall started.

He showed the blueprints on one of the screens before moving over to a list of Hydra's possible hit list, luckily I didn't find my name on it I was smart enough to use my own servers to prevent the government from accessing my tech. Who would accuse someone as a vigilante that owns a gaming industry in the first place.

A/n: another short oneshot but I'm pretty proud of it. And to make it up to everyone I've got a big SU oneshot in the works. Don't forget to comment on my profile to tell me what oneshot you want to see a second part for.

Also I'm thinking of unpublishing my current SU book I feel that I've written myself into a corner and have lost motivation in terms of where I want the story to go. It's on hold for now but this is how I feel with that book.

I'll try and write more dc related oneshots as well in the future. Again thanks for all the reads and don't be afraid to comment and say you want a part two of. See ya!!

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