MCU's Ranger (2)

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A/n: I decided to write a part two to this story in remembrance of Jason David Frank, who is no doubt the best Ranger ever and has inspired so many people myself included.

Natasha's POV:

After just getting back from my under cover mission for my assessment of Tony Stark, I returned to the Helicarrier to be greeted by Director fury and Agent Hill, the latter holding a thin file in her hands.

"Welcome back Agent Romanoff.", Fury greeted on the runway as I walked up to the two.

"Glad to be back.", I replied.

"Unfortunately, we have another mission for you.", Hill cut in as she handed over the small file.

As I searched through the small notes the Director briefed me, "This guy has just turned up, witnesses said that he teleported in a flash of white light as he arrived and left the scene. The best image we have of the guy is from the local news.", he said as I turned to see the photo of the person that caught Shield's eye.

"Whatever that suit is made of it's definitely not from earth. Which means, is the person a possible threat like the Asgardians or did they acquire this technology?", the Director stated as I looked at the blurred image showing the only recognisable things which were a black and gold Chestplate and a white and gold helmet that looked similarly to a tiger.

"White tiger? Did he call himself that?", I asked as I looked at the blurred image.

The two looked at each other before the director sighed as Hill answered, "No, this was the code name assigned by our intel team."

Ah, that does make more sense.

"So, where do I have to go?", I asked and the only answer given was a postcard of a forest with the words Angel Grove plastered over it.


3rd POV:

As the agent of Shield makes her way to Angel Grove our protagonist is once again found in his garage, as he works away on the same gauntlet that he was working on before. This time, however, as he was making improvements a voice cut into his mind giving suggestions and questions.

"Why are you making this thing if you already have the morpher?", the voice of Saba asked as Y/n soldered a wire onto a circuit board.

"Well I realised that I may not always have time to morph straight away. So I'm making something to take out enemies to buy me some time.", Y/n explained as he picked up a piece of white painted metal and started to attach it to the wrist of the gauntlet.

"I suppose that makes sense.", Saba replied more convinced.

Y/n makes some final touches before grabbing a white and gold lined back hand armour shell for the gauntlet and securing it to cover any of the loose wires.

Lifting the gauntlet off the table and jumping off his seat he looked over his work, "It might not be on the level of Tony Stark but it's good enough.", he said as he revelled at the finished piece while brushing his thumb on the detailed gold engravings that he himself had added in.

Then there was a knock on the garage door, "Y/n? You in there?", the voice of his mother questioned from outside.

"Yeah, I'm coming.", the late teen replied as he set down his work and opened the door to the garage seeing his Mum standing there with her usual lavender purple nurse scrubs and her red handbag slung over her right shoulder. Her h/c hair tied into a loose bun as it reflected the morning sunlight.

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