The Father of Gem Kind.

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3rd POV:

Out in the far depths of the black void is a large crystal sphere reflecting light from its nearby suns, however, something goes wrong as soon enough the sphere begins to crack and widen before it completely bursts like a ballon. The remnants of the sphere are jettisoned out into the far reaches of space, one piece in particular no bigger than an average person travels further and further away from the source.

Passing suns, planets and gas giants until it finally collided with something. A planet rich with minerals, the fragment was buried beneath the surface of the lifeless rock. It begins to absorb the minerals while also unintentionally planting something to replace them.

These newly formed planted crystals began to grow and soon enough they emerged, the first "crystal" rises up through the surface of the planet turning out to be a pure white diamond soon other diamonds emerged, Yellow, Blue and finally Pink. Soon a glowing energy grew from the four diamonds, White was the biggest taking the form of a Roman goddess with pillar like heels, Yellow followed taking the form of a feminine general, Blue wore long flowing robes and Pink the smallest of the group chose something more childlike with puffy shoulders and pom-poms. Upon awakening they spotted the fragment but couldn't understand why it was there and so with nothing left to do they expanded and researched.


Millions of years later:

A marching of footsteps echo through the white metallic hall the familiar figure of Yellow Diamond walks through a set of white doors and into a ginormous black walled room. She turns to meet the first Diamond, White, who is sitting on her throne looking at a holographic screen.

"How is the expansion of planets going Yellow?", White questions the smaller gem.

"They are progressing but that is not why I had asked to meet with you. The crystal that we had found when we woke no matter how much our technology has progressed we still cannot break it. It definitely isn't a gem.", Yellow explains which causes the larger white gem to sigh in slight annoyance and acceptance.

"Then let's get rid of it. Bury it with one of your failed experiments on a planet that has caused us so many problems.", White begins.

"You mean that wretched Earth? Why?", Yellow questions.

"If your experiment succeeds we will have a geoweapon in our hands at the end and maybe a way to put a scratch on that crystal. Don't tell Blue of this, you know how much she worships the thing it would be best to dispose of it before she does something stupid. You may leave now.", White dismissed as Yellow nodded and left to complete her task.

Soon enough the crystal was sent to the planet Earth where it was once again buried beneath it but this time something changed, the crystal began to change into a humanoid: it's torso, head and legs a rough indigo rock whereas it's arms, formed pointed spikes on the back, chest and face were a light green and cyan crystal. A body was now formed by the unexplained crystal.

A/n: ignore symbol

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A/n: ignore symbol. Eye colour is (f/c).

It however didn't awaken and stayed petrified within its prison.


Steven's POV:

The gems and I were on another adventure in a old Homeworld ship that had crashed into a mountain side.

"Steven do be careful, we don't know what could be in here either a gem mutant or another experiment like the one found in the kindergarten.", Pearl worried as we explored the many halls of the large ship.

"It'll be fine, you need to mellow out P.", Amethyst exclaimed as she leaned onto a wall. Suddenly there was a click as the wall behind her revealed a door with a long corridor that begun to light up towards something that looked like a person floating in the centre of the room.

"Woah! What's that?!", I shouted running up to the figure.

"It doesn't look like a gem.", Pearl explained as she moved her hand closer to touch the figure's crystal like arms until it suddenly flinched at her touch. Garnet was the first to react as similar crystals shot out of the ground and outwards towards us. Luckily none of us were skewered. Unluckily, I think Pearl had woken the person up.

"Ugh, where am I?", the figure spoke in a male voice before he looked up at us, "who are you? Where have you taken me?", he questioned us one of his hands had shaped into some sort of blade as they shined under the lights from the ship.

"H-hi I'm Steven. We are the crystal gems.", I introduced as I was finally put back on the ground by Garnet.

"Crystal Gems? I don't know that species. You look like me but one of you are human. At least the human is the least aggressive.", he spoke keeping his bladed arm, "Gems... Gems... out of all the galaxies I have explored I have never heard of gems. Then again my people were called living rocks."

"Y-you're an alien?", Pearl asked in surprise.

"Isn't everyone? I've met countless species that each thought another being was an alien but my guess is that you are a newly formed species, I was found in your kind's ship so I must have previously been on your home planet, no? Do your people now expand because of a lack of resources?", the being questioned as his arm and the crystals around him began to shift.

"They do.", Garnet confirmed as the figure nodded his head.

"My people used to live on a planet completely made out of crystals, we wouldn't be born or made we would just emerge. The only reason why I would wake up here is if my planet was destroyed. That was probably a million years or so ago, forcing a piece of me out into space and landing on what would be your home planet.", the being explained as he motioned to the gems wait does that mean?, "Seems like the human steven has already guessed it. For my kind to regenerate we absorb the minerals around us, if we emerge on a different planet rather than our own. In rare cases our species replace these minerals with crystals that either stay dormant or mutate. Do I have to explain anymore?"

"T-that would mean that the Diamonds' heirarchy would be null in void, they're not the creators but you are.", Pearl realised...

"WHAT?!", Amethyst and I exclaimed in shock.

"Then how did your species come to be?", Garnet asked the being.

"That's a good question, my planet was entirely made of crystals but it was full of so many minerals that it began to react and create my ancestor, a Crystalsapien, they had the abilities of energy manipulation and absorption, flight among many more. He broke a piece of himself and it became a seed that was planted into the core thus planting many seeds of my people, Petrosapiens.",  he explained, "Are there any more questions?"

"We know your species but what is your name?", Garnet questioned as she raised one of her hands for a handshake.

"It's Y/n,", he replied shaking her hand before turning to me and doing the same, "it's good to meet you Steven but I think your friends are still paralysed in shock. Is there somewhere we can put them?", he asked as I looked back at Amethyst and Pearl who were still standing at the entrance of the doorway mouths hanging and completely still.

"Yeah, but there's a few more gems you'll have to meet.", I replied. I wonder how Peridot will react to this...

At the barn:

"WHAT?!", Peridot and Lapis exclaimed in shock.

"B-blasphemy!!", Peridot cried out this though caused Y/n to chuckle.

"Our species are too similar. I was found on one of your ships. Don't you think these Diamonds would try anything to keep their supreme power?", he questioned. All Peridot could do was stutter and deny anything that she was told by Y/n.

If the gems on Homeworld find out maybe there will be a way to solve this peacefully...

A/n: cut short I know but couldn't think of how to extend it. Cool idea though

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