Demon vs Gem Monsters

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Y/n's POV:

For this years Anime Expo I decided to dress as my favourite character from Kimetsu no Yaiba, Upper Moon 1 Kokushibo, the only issue being that I was unable to find some good contacts to complete my outfit. As I walked around the expo, occasionally bumping into a few Tanjiros, Akazas and Inosukes I found an interesting booth that was selling character cosmetics the seller was dressed as one of the Demon slayer Blacksmiths.

After looking at some of the things that were being sold the seller came over to me.

"Hey! That's an awesome costume but it looks like you're missing something.", he said with an enthusiastic thinking pose.

I chuckled and replied, "Thanks, I couldn't find any Upper moon 1 contact lenses to complete the look. I was able to make the demon sword and the clothing was quite easy as well but contacts were harder to find."

"Then I've got just the thing. I'll be back in a mo.", he responded before going behind a curtain and soon returning with a black box.

"I think these are what you've been looking for...", he spoke opening the box to reveal the contacts that I was hunting down.

"Wow! You have them?! How much?", I ask in shock. It takes some bartering but after a few minutes I get the lenses and go to put them on along with some face paint to draw the other 4 eyes.

I look at myself in the mirror to see the final results.

I look at myself in the mirror to see the final results

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Looks like growing out my hair wasn't for nothing. I smile and go back to the stall to thank the seller again. Once returning he notices me and waves.

"Wow, now you look like the Demon himself. I bet they will fear you..." he says ominously as before I can respond I feel like I am covered in darkness and soon pass out.


I feel something cold softly fall onto my face which begins to wake me up. As I open my eyes something is different, reaching my hands towards my face and closing my eyes again I can feel six eyelids instead of two. I quickly open my eyes and scan my surroundings.

"Have I become Kokushibo? But if so where am I?", I ask as I look around. I'm lying down in the snow, the area around me seems to be a forest of some sort. The trees are covered by a thick blanket of snow as well as everything else. Then I notice something that I should have realised before, I'm in the sunlight?!, I thought beginning to panic for a few moments and diving into a cave entrance nearby.

As I control my breathing and check over my body I see that I have no burns on me. 'Am I immune to sunlight? But sunlight is a demons' weakness.', as I ponder this thought I hear a loud growl behind me as it begins to get closer.

I turn around to see something I never expected to see in real life. A giant cyan and pink lion-like monster with no eyes, a large clump of white fur as a mane and a blue gem embedded in its chest. My instincts take over as I leap back to avoid a slash attack, however, something begins to rush through my mind as if I'm reliving memories that weren't my own.

Taking in a deep breath, I unsheathe my sword it's now metal surface reflecting my red and yellow eyes along its edge. I charge towards and past the monster with the blade following my charging movement before placing the sword back into the sheathe, with a light clink there is a large puff of smoke and the gem is lying on the cold rocky surface of the cave. Picking it up I inspect the fist sized gem knowing full well that if not contained their form will emerge again.

If the monster is here then I know exactly where and when I am which also means that they are here too. To prove my theory I hear a scream in the distance, I pocket the blue gem in my robes as I begin to rush out onto the snow, my footsteps barely leaving an imprint into the soft surface.

"Look what I have Rose...", a rough yet feminine voice is heard. I see a large orange figure holding onto a gem similar to the one I had defeated. There's a snap of a photo, however, before the figure can leave I rush behind it raising my blade over my head and slash through its body. There is a loud puff of smoke once again and two gems hit the white snow.


Looking up from the gems I see a large pink bubble a few feet away from me, within it are two children. One a boy, holding a phone in one hand while protecting the other child with his other arm. The girl, slightly taller than the boy holds a large cutlass with both hands ready to strike if I stand too close to the two of them. I smile at them before reaching into my robe and swapping the blue gem for the small orange triangular gem.

Grasping it in my hand I turn and begin to walk away, using my new senses to time it perfectly so that as soon as I leave the other person appears and shouts in worry at the two children.

"Steven! Connie! Thank the stars you're ok!", she says in a shrill voice.


Steven's POV:

"Oh! I'm so proud of you two.", Pearl said as we exited the warp and into the beach house.

"Steven, you should show her.", Connie spoke breaking me out of my thoughts. I was still looking at the photo I had taken of the figure that defeated and took Jasper.

"Tell me what?", Pearl asked curiously. I sighed before showing her the photo of the figure I had taken.

"We didn't defeat the gems some one else did. He looked like a human at first but that changed when we saw his eyes.", Connie spoke up shivering slightly.

"He defeated Jasper and swapped her gem for one of the other gems that we were looking for. I think he defeated it then came looking for the other one when he heard us scream.", I explained to Pearl. Looking up we saw something that I had never seen from Pearl before, Fear, she covered her mouth with one hand as she held my phone in the other unable to break her gaze from the figure.

"I've never seen something like this.", Pearl finally spoke.

"He also had a normal sword and he cut through Jasper like she was butter.", Connie said in amazement.

"How terrifying." Pearl commented. She handed the phone back to me before sitting down on the sofa. "What would someone like that want with Jasper?", she asked to no one with her face covered by her hands and elbows resting on her knees.

"What if he was curious?", Connie began, " He was looking at Jasper for quite some time before looking at us. And maybe the fact that he already defeated a gem monster before made him interested in why Jasper was different?", Connie theorised.

Pearl looked at Connie and I for a moment before she spoke, "I just hope whoever he is doesn't come looking for us. But it's out of our hands for now. Once Garnet and Amethyst return we can tell them about what you two saw out there."

A/n: I know... another SU one-shot but I had to write it down before I forgot. This was inspired by @Halseboys for his Decepticon Arrival Steven universe crossover story.

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