An Agent before an Alien. (2)

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Y/n's POV:

After receiving the mission from Agent Coulson I made my way to the armoury, putting on something more comfortable and picking up my set of knives and handgun along with a few needles, in case my abilities are needed before making my way to the quinjet and setting the course for Russia to pick up Agent Romanoff.

After receiving the mission from Agent Coulson I made my way to the armoury, putting on something more comfortable and picking up my set of knives and handgun along with a few needles, in case my abilities are needed before making my way to the qu...

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A/n: what you're wearing.

Once the jet was set down I silently scaled the rooftop of the warehouse that Agent Romanoff was being held at. Peeking through the skylight window I spotted four men: 3 bodyguards and what seems to be a military official. Tied to a chair and sporting a black dress was agent Romanoff. I decided to listen in to their conversation.

"Trust me I knew where you wanted this to go and this is better.", Agent Romanoff said to the general.

As the two were conversing I decided to silently drop down from the skylight, Agent Romanoff noticed me but continued to talk to distract the group. I pulled out one of my knives and walked behind one of the guards that were at the back of the room. Before he could notice me I shoved my knife into his neck and covered his mouth to silence him and pulled him into the shadows of the room. 2 guards left.

Unfortunately, as I approached the second guard the general noticed me so I quickly dodged to the left as he pulled out his pistol and shot at me. Agent Romanoff was able to break out of her constraints and kicked the general to the floor and disarmed him  and shot at the two guards.

"Sorry to interrupt your meeting Agent Romanoff but you're being called in.", I said as I walked towards the red headed agent.

"And you are?", she asked cautiously still keeping a firm grasp on her newly acquired pistol.

"Agent L/n of Shield. I was moved from Washington to the Helicarrier recently.", I explained as I grabbed some nearby chains and wrapped it around the unconscious general's wrists.

"A desk worker on the field? That's new.", the comment irked me slightly but shrugged it off and cleaned my knives as I lead her to the quinjet. My communicator began to buzz as I showed Coulson.

"Agent L/n, have you picked up Agent Romanoff?"

"Yes sir. Heading back now.", I replied.

"Not yet. You've been ordered to pick up Dr.Banner. You'll be there with some Shield personnel.", he informed me as I changed my course.


After arriving back at the Helicarrier I changed into my suit and looked over a few reports as I was looking at the monitors in front of me, Shield was looking for a rouge Asgardian by the name of Loki. Where's there is one Asgardian there will surely be more to follow.

Unfortunately it turned out I was right as after the team Director Fury code named the Avengers returned to the Helicarrier with the rouge along with his brother Thor. This time I was unable to hide myself completely as I could feel the Asgardian stare at me until he was distracted by Mr Stark. Once they had their discussion with the Director the team split up I decided to leave the hub as I walked through it's many corridors.

3rd POV:

As Y/n walked down the steel corridor he was closely followed by Thor, unknown to the both of the men was the fact that Agent Romanoff wasn't too far behind them.

Y/n eventually stopped and turned to Thor as Romanoff hid in the shadows.

"What do you want Asgardian?", the suited agent asked the blonde warrior who hesitated to speak.

"Y-you're a Diad, my father told me stories of your kind.", Thor stuttered, "What are you doing on Earth?"

"If Odin has told you of us then you know I don't have to answer to you.", Y/n replied as his eyes began to glow a cold blue, causing both the Asgardian and Agent Romanoff to flinch and place her hand onto her gun.

"A-are there more of you?", Thor asked not daring to look at the being in front of him.

"Yes and no. I am the only Diad on Earth. It was decided by our council that each of us would watch over a planet or in my case to keep Earth from other worlds. It is a young planet after all, it's inhabitants even younger.", Y/n revealed, this had of course shocked Thor and stunned the human female that was listening in on their conversation.

"*sigh* I hoped that I could save the Earth from being thrusted into the intergalactic society but I suppose it's too late now. They know they are no longer alone and soon war will come. Don't tell anyone of my true existence.", the Diad ordered only for Thor to nod meekly before leaving the alien in the corridor.

"Agent Romanoff, if you have questions come to my room.", Y/n said as his eyes stopped glowing and he continued down the corridor leaving the femme fatale in the shadows before she began to follow the man once again.

Upon arriving at Agent L/n's door Romanoff was about to knock until it shifted open to reveal Y/n taking off his suit jacket.

"You came quicker than I expected. I'm sure you have many questions, only some I may be able to answer.", Y/n spoke as he directed to assassin to a chair as he sat on his bed, "Fire away, with words of course.", he joked Natasha nodded.

"What's a Diad?", she asked.

"Well, as you can probably guess we are aliens. More specifically we are an ancient race born from the result of colliding super novas the resulting reaction of cosmic energy created us.", Y/n summarised as he avoided mentioning a certain collection of stones that may be involved.

"Ok, but how does Thor know of you or even find out what you are?", the agent asked as she leaned forward.

"Diads are like living nebulas our original forms are like a reactor for cosmic energy. Of course it cannot harm others. But those that know of us or are exposed to an energy similar to our own can identify us. Thor is an Asgardian his kind heavily rely on cosmic energy to sustain themselves. Before you ask no, humans cannot hope to acquire what the Asgardians have. Their genetic make up is not designed for it. They would be burned alive by even the tiniest amount of cosmic energy that they could hope to harness.", Y/n quickly shot down the female's next question.

"Why haven't you intervened?"

"What do you think would happen when a species that is far beyond your human perceptions begins to intervene in Earths problems? What would a dangerous organisation like Shield do to that species?", he asked.

The agent knew the answer to this though, "They would want to study it and control the power it has. Dissection probably.", she replied as Y/n gave a knowing smile.

"When aliens arrive on Earth they are first treated as a threat and then an experiment. I am not the first alien on Earth there were many others most looking for refuge only ended up being hunted on the planet that seemed the most peaceful.", the male said as he felt himself succumb to his emotions as anger laced his tone. He could no longer hold his form as his body reacted to his anger in small cosmic explosions on his body releasing his alien form for the female assassin to see. 

"When you see me like this what do you see?", he asked as his cold blue eyes shined in the darkness his nebula-like body glowed and flickered giving a sense of warmth in the cold metallic room.

The famed Agent Romanoff could do nothing but gaze at the cosmic brilliance before her as if she were in a trance.

She was in front of a being beyond worlds after all.

A/n: so this is part two. What did you guys think. Bit short but I didn't want to lead it on and on.

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