The Blade of the Arrow.

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A/n: in this story William and his mother (totally forgot her name) will not exist and you the reader will replace William as Oliver's son.

Captain Singh's POV:

I finally arrived at M/n's place, I raised my hand to knock on the door. For a moment I hesitated then steeled my nerves and knocked.


"Coming!", a young male's voice called out until there was a clatter of the chain lock on the door before it swung open.

"Oh, Captain Singh what are you doing here?", the familiar face of Y/n, M/n's son asked me.

I took in a deep breath as I kneeled down to his height and pulled out M/n's badge. I watched as the joyful face of the 16 year old boy began to change into one of worry and realisation.

"No...", he whispered.

"Y/n, your mother was one of the most bravest officers that Central City had to offer. Unfortunately, she lost her life this evening during a recent raid against the Yakuza that has infected this city. I'm so sorry Y/n.", I finished as I handed over the badge to him, there were no tears, only silence as Y/n held a firm grip on the badge.

"Do you want to come with me and see her?", I asked the boy but he shook his head as he turned back into the apartment and softly closed the door behind him.

"I'll come check on you tomorrow and we can talk about arrangements.", I said only to receive nothing in reply.

I sighed as I turned to leave, slowly walking down the steps of the apartment block. Y/n was a mature boy, M/n had told me that in case she died on the field that I would let him stay in the apartment. I'll follow her wishes, it's the best that I can do for her son.


It has been a few months now and just like any other day after my shift ended I once again arrived at M/n's apartment to check on Y/n. Her funeral had been held just a few weeks after her death, Y/n was there along with the CCPD but there was no one else. No other family members we triple checked, there was an unnamed father but nothing else.

Once again I knocked on the door, there was some shuffling before the door slowly opened leaving a gap between the frame and the door. Y/n was rather short for his age only about 4'5 feet tall, he was skinny not too skinny where I would worry but he lacked any muscle strength.

"Hello Captain.", he greeted, "You don't have to keep visiting me. I'm sure you're busy with more important things.", he said in an attempt to make me leave.

"You're right but I made a promise to your mother, I intend to keep it. Why don't you chat with someone? One of my CSI's had a similar situation happen to him maybe he could help you?", I offered.

"No thanks. Just catch them.", Y/n denied as he shut and locked his door.

I couldn't help but sigh, he was once such a bright boy much like Mr Allen but what has happened to his mother has greatly affected him. I don't think I'm the right person to help him in this either.

Y/n's POV:

After closing the door I waited for Captain Singh to leave, eventually he did as I heard the heels of his shoes tap on the concrete floor. I walked through the apartment and into my room, laying on my bed as sleep overcame me.

I was asleep for some time until I heard a loud boom that startled me awake then there was a sudden crash, and I saw a flaming orange light peek underneath my door. Curiosity got the better of me as I opened my door and entered the living room, as soon as I arrived I saw that almost everything was on fire but there was no smoke and in the centre of the room was a large sword with a golden guard and a blue gem in the middle facing me.

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