The Ghoul that wanders Brooklyn.

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A/n: Super gruesome beginning. If you don't like it or can't handle it I suggest you to read one of my other books. You've been warned!!

3rd POV:



"S-stay back!", a bald headed white man shouted within an abandoned warehouse. The man was dressed in a leather jacket, white shirt and green army camo trousers. He was keeping away from the shadows of the room while waving his revolver around in a state of panic.

As he stepped back his leg seemed to have been caught on something which caused him to fall back on the ground with a thud, dropping his gun as it slid across the room and out of reach. Placing his hands on the ground he felt something wet touch his fingers as he lifted them up to his face to show they were covered in blood. The metallic smell making him gag before looking down at his legs to see a severed arm which had a tattoo of a snake on the wrist now accompanied by a dirty boot print squashing the hand.

"J-Jack?", the bald male recognised the arm as he began to vomit to the left of him. Vomit and blood mixing together into one single puddle.

"Tut tut tut... you're ruining my food.", a bone chilling voice echoed from the shadows causing the male to stumble back on to his feet.

"W-where are you?!", the man shouted in fear wiping the vomit on his sleeve.

"You told me to stay back before and now you want me to show myself, make up your mind.", the voice mocked the man it was as if the shadows themselves were laughing at him.

"But very well. You should see the thing that will kill and eventually have you for dinner.", the voice spoke now from behind the male to reveal a blood spattered black trench coat with an all black T-shirt, trousers and black leather strapped boots.

What had surprised the man was the fact that the person hunting him was a teenager, probably around the age of 15, with messy (h/c) hair but his eyes were not the eyes of a person they were more like a monsters'. Two glowing red orbs planted within a black sea, it's branches reaching out of the border and onto the pale skin. The man was paralysed in absolute fear.

The boy on the other hand, wore a wicked smile as he grabbed the paralysed man from his neck and gave it a quick tug towards him pulling his victim's spine from their body and swung the still attached head into the corner of the room.

"And that was for ruining my food.", the boy sighed as he pulled the body towards the entrance where a few headless bodies were piled on top of each other.

The boy then went to a stack of metal barrels that had large words painted across them that read, Strong acid handle with care, pulling one of the barrels from the stack the boy dragged it over to the blood and sick covered body that lay beneath the only source of light.

"There we go.", the boy exhaled as he stretched his arm as what seemed to be six large (f/c) tendrils that were covered in glowing red veins sprout from the boy's lower back as it tore through the trench coat and picked up the barrel. Using the upper two tendrils the boy expertly removed the lid and poured it onto the ruined body.

As the body and evidence disappeared in a pool of acid the boy only now realised what had happened to his clothes.

"Aww man, I liked this coat too. Damn it Y/n ruining the first thing you actually bought with your own money. Just typical.", the boy spoke to himself taking of the coat and throwing it too into the pool.

"Now let's start cutting this stuff up before sun rise, don't want to be seen after all.", the now known Y/n spoke as he made his way over to the pile as he begun to hum a tune while he expertly butchered the pile of bodies, wrapping them up in plastic sheets and packing them up in freezer boxes.

"There, all done.", Y/n finished as he looked at the two freezer boxes and began to walk around the warehouse most likely to make sure any evidence of him being there was washed away. Once he was done he left the area heading towards his home.

Y/n's POV:

I was now in my apartment, luckily busting all those gun rings and drug dealers gave me both food and money so I was able to get quite a large place. I could buy anything I wanted but I've watched enough detective shows to know that never goes well. Currently I'm sitting on the sofa when I smell something that shouldn't be here. A human. Female?

"I know you're there. It would be best you step out.", I advise the woman as she steps out to reveal a short red head dressed in a black skintight suit. I can smell the gun powder from her gun that is strapped to her thigh.

"How did you know I was there?", she asked me as she leaned on the kitchen counter.

"I could smell ya. Also, it would be a bad idea if you try to shoot me with that little gun of yours. You'll wake the neighbours.", I informed her. She seemed startled maybe scared even but she tried her best to hide this.

"Now, you've got 10 seconds to tell me what you're doing here before I have to move apartments as a result of this one turning from a pearly white to a bloody red.", I say to her unable to hide my sinister smile as I face her.


"Very well. I am Agent Romanoff of SHIELD we have been tracking you for quite some time since you're arrival to New York-", she began before I cut her off.

"Abandonment. But go on"

"Yes, abandonment. Shield is a part of the government that monitor potential threats but in some cases these threats can be offered a place in shield. I myself was recruited.", Romanoff tells me. "Shield has tasked me to try to recruit you."

As she's speaking I begin to get a bit peckish so I get up and walk over to the fridge passing the agent who flinched slightly when I passed her I grabbed a few slices of flesh that I recovered from my hunt and began to eat as she watched me.

"A-and we hope that you agree. There will be many benefits joining Shield as to being opposed to it.", she stuttered showing discomfort as I chowed down on my food.

"Well, it sounds like a great offer but you seem to be put off by something. I just can't put my finger on it. It surely can't be my looks.", I said giving her a blood filled smile. That put her off even more as she turned her head from me.

"Maybe it's my eating habits but I'm not a human like you. I'm something else, something better. I can't eat normal food no matter how much I may want to, the smell is awful it makes me gag. My parents abandoned me in America because of my eyes.", I told her as I could feel my (e/c) eyes change to red the agent shifted not daring to look at me, " they burned my passport and left me here while they went back home in the UK probably to make a human child this time. I don't really care about them, if I could I would chop them up and feed them to some snakes in the zoo. I'm intrigued though, does shield think that they can tame me if I join them. Ha! A tame cannibal. You tell your boss if I think he's up to something not only will I kill him but I'll kill and devour anyone else who I think are lying to me. So well done, you may live another day. I hope to see my recruitment papers through the mail soon. You can go now."

The agent wasted no time to leave the apartment and soon enough I walked back to my previous position making sure I locked the door this time and watched the news, not a single one about missing gangs. So far so good.

A/n: Done! So if you don't know in this story you are a Ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul, thought this would be a cool concept and it's not like the other ghoul stories where it stitches the anime plot with another. This is just a singular ghoul in the MCU.

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