Sacrifice leads to Death: A Cabal?

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A/N: I was inspired to write this story after getting hooked on @darth750 's story titled "Risen", and it made me think  what if there was a Cabal Guardian, so this will be more of an original plot compared to my other one-shots.

C/n: Cabal Name. If you can't think of one or are struggling use this link:

Azuria's POV:

Ugh, I've been searching for a guardian for so long now. Floating through the ice storms of Europa, I've watched planets being taken by the Darkness and yet I still haven't found my guardian will I be like the others? Will I-

Hang on what's that? Up ahead I see an old wreckage that has mostly been frozen over yet I can feel a presence, a light, I begin to float towards it and entering the wreckage. As I scan the ship it seems to be some sort of carrier but it looked like it exploded from the inside, how bizarre, the explosion seemed to come from the engine room so I make my way there.

Upon entering the room, I'm amazed at what I've seen, the engine is in the middle of the room but it is being covered by a large body next to the body is a rectangular-ish shield that is just as tall and wide as the body. Getting closer I scan the body, this is where the light is coming from, so this is my guardian finally. I decide to begin the process and once I'm done I immediately regret my decision, I've just turned one of our greatest enemies into a Guardian.

A Cabal!

Replace the blue with (f/c)

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Replace the blue with (f/c). Just can't use red. You'll understand why.

C/n's POV: 

What happened to me? I remember- I can't remember...

There's something in front of me, floating like a moon as it circles around me in some kind of panic, it's dizzying me. Shaking my head I begin to stand up my helmet protecting my head as it scrapes on the metal ceiling above me, this alerts the little moon as it stops in front of my head before moving backwards but it was too slow as I grasped it in my large gloved hand looking at its singular blue eye.

"Stop moving. You're annoying me.", I spoke gruffly. The little moon moved up and down in my hand in some type of nod of affirmation.

"S-sorry,", it stuttered in a robotic female voice, "I've waited so long to meet my guardian b-but I never expected you to be a C-cabal.", it explained to me. A Cabal, yes I remember my name but why am I here? it eludes me. 

There was a screeching noise in the distance before something large and heavy entered the ship, their footsteps echoing along the metal floor. I quickly stood in the shadows by the entrance to the room, "It's one signature, a Fallen captain.", little moon's voice echoed in my mind. As it came closer and entered the room it began to scavenge the engine room pulling out wires and cables, I began to loom behind it before quickly holding it in a headlock choking the life out of it. It struggled before I had enough and snapped its neck dropping it to the floor.

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