The Avatar and The Chamber of Secrets.

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Dumbledore's POV:

I had just sent a letter for our new Defence against the Dark arts Teacher, after what has happened with Professor Quirrell it has become harder to find a teacher. As I'm resting at my desk I see a large tower of light rising from the centre of the Forbidden Forest, rising from my chair I make my way to the window to check I am not seeing things.

How bizarre, in all my time as Headmaster at Hogwarts something like this has never happened before. My thoughts are quickly interrupted when Minerva enters my office.

"Albus what is that tower of light? I've never seen magic like it.", she worriedly exclaims.

"I do not know Minerva, tell Flitwick and Snape to accompany us to the forest we shall meet Hagrid there.", I command. I grasp my wand tightly as we make our way to Hagrid's hut to begin our investigation.

"'ello Professor Dumbledore, did ya see tha' ligh' in the forest?", Hagrid asked in his thick accent.

"Yes Hagrid, we have come to take a look. I'd like you to join us.", I answer him kindly. He merely nods at my request picking up his lantern and crossbow as we make our way to the tower of light.  

It has been a few moments now and we have finally made it to the centre of the forest, however, the light has vanished and in its place is a boy no older than 12 years old levitating off the ground his eyes are glowing white and is surrounded by a thick current of air and a few rocks then something extraordinary happens the fire from Hagrid's lantern draws itself towards the boy making another circle around him. Finally, water seems like it is being drawn from the surrounding plant life and makes a fourth circle around the child, eventually the circles stop and dissipate as the boy collapses on to the ground.

"Quick, Hagrid take the boy and bring him to Pomfrey.", I tell Hagrid as the rest of us look at the surrounding plant life that were drained of water.

"I've never seen magic like that Albus, the trees have been drained dry.", Minerva tells me.

"I don't think it was magic. At first I thought the child was possessed but after what I have just seen it seems like a more ancient power than magic maybe even dating before it.", I theorised.

"What do we do with the boy?", Snape asked me. "For now we should see what he knows, he holds a power we do not understand make sure the Ministry hears nothing of this. If fudge finds out, the boy's fate would surely be terrible.", the others agree with my decision as we make our way back to the school. I asked for Minerva to keep an eye on the boy and to reassure him once he wakes.

Y/n's POV:

I slowly begin to wake up, looking around the room it seems to be like some sort of healing room but I wasn't here before, 'Before? Where was I before? Argh, I've got a headache whenever I try to remember before', I rub my head trying to get rid of the pain. I know basic things but I can't remember a thing about where I was before. It seems like my movement had alerted someone as an elderly woman dressed in red and white robes came up to me.

"Hello dear, I am Madam Pomfrey and you are in the Hospital wing at Hogwarts. Could I have your name?", she asks politely. I slowly nod, "Um, I'm Y/n L/n. What's a Hogwarts? I can't remember where I was before.", I warily answer the woman.

She ponders at my words before walking away, I can hear her talking to someone before a new pair of footsteps are heard heading towards my bed. This time a different woman arrives she is dressed in black and green silk robes and a large black pointed hat.

"Hello there I am Professor McGonagall, I am a teacher here. You said that you don't remember where you were before?", she asked me. I shake my head no. "Could you tell me what you do know?"

"Umm, I'll try. I know basic things like the four nations correspond with the four basic elements and each element has a tree of sub elements like earth has metal and fire has lightning. Um, There is only one person that controls all four elements known as the Avatar and each time they die a new one is born to the next element in the cycle. The last Avatar was an air bender so the next is water I think?", I begin to ponder. The professor looks at me quizzically before I ask, "What element do you control? By your clothes I want to say Earth. Am I right?"

It was her turn to don a confused face, "I have never heard of the four nations or the Avatar are you sure you aren't talking about magic?", she asks me as she waves a stick in the air as it shoots bright white sparks into the air. Wow, that was beautiful.

"No, I'm sure the Avatar exists I remember that they can go into this state where their eyes glow white and it taps into the power of previous avatars. They are the Protector of the physical world and the spirit world", I argue against her. She thinks for a moment before saying something that shocks me, "When myself and a few other professors found you, you were floating in the air with air, rocks, water and fire surrounding you and your eyes were glowing white just as you described to me."

"What!? No way!! I would know if I was the Avatar wouldn't I!?", I exclaimed in shock. "Well, you did say you can't remember anything before you woke up but the basic knowledge of things?", She calmly spoke to me. I quickly grew embarrassed as I realised, "Oh yeah... sorry for shouting", I meekly apologised. She chuckled at my response and began to leave, "Um, if this is a school can I learn about this place and magic as well?" I asked her. She paused for a moment before turning back to me.

"I don't see why not?", the kind professor answered and I was left to my thoughts.

'I'm the Avatar, but the four nations don't exist here. So what is my purpose?', I thought to myself.     

A/N: I'm shooting out these stories now. :D. A bit short but that's because I want to get all my ideas out so I can focus on the big ones. I had this idea for a while and wanted to write it out.

Depending on the amount of votes this may be the next story after The Seraphim of Magic is completed.

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