Oblivious sculptor in another world.

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Y/n's POV:


"Where am I?", I ask myself as I look around me only to see pitch black dotted with white stars as far as one could see. It looked like space but it had no planets almost as if everything was lifeless.

"You are in limbo.", a male voice told me as I turned around to see a figure but he was pure white and had no specific details or a face for that matter.

"Who are you? Why am I here?"

"I go by many names, Creator or God there are more than a few. As to why you are here you have been selected to go to a different world than your own because of this you shall be granted one wish.", the Creator told me.

I thought for a while about my wish and finally decided, "I wish for a healthy body.", I stated.

"A-are you sure?", he asked confused.

"Am I not allowed?"

"You are but I didn't expect your wish to be so simple. How about I give you the ability to understand all languages and speak them. I'll put you somewhere that is peaceful as well. Still that doesn't feel like enough is there anything else you would like?", Creator asked me. I'm grateful that he added in the ability to understand languages I hadn't thought of that.

"Hmm... I was always fascinated with sculpture like stone carving, casting metal and blacksmithing. I'd love to be a sculptor.", I revealed as I thought back to sculptures that I had come across in museums and art shows.

"I can work with that. One moment.", the creator said as there was a flash of light and he held what looked like a normal smithing hammer, "This is the All purpose crafting tool or A.C.T for short. If you think of the tool you need it'll change shape. I've made it so only you can use it.", he told me as he handed the tool over to me.

"Thank you.", I said as I held my hand out for a handshake as the Creator returned it. "Good luck"


I woke up to find myself in some sort of forest, I looked around before spotting a wooden cabin in the distance so with nothing better to do I made my way there. Upon arriving at the cabin it looked to be almost brand new, I checked to see if there was anyone inside as I looked through the windows only to now notice a note on the door which read:

To Y/n,

This cabin is for you, round the back is a working smithy with some metals to start you off with for practicing. There are also chunks of stone and marble in storage. I suggest you start with wood when you start sculpting.

I hope this helps,
Regards The Creator.

After rereading the note I entered the cabin checking over the rooms before going round the back of the cabin to look at the smithy. Despite barely knowing anything about what a smithy should be the one that I was in felt perfect. As I scanned over the equipment I spotted the ingots of metal, walking over to them I glided my hand over the cold surface of the iron ingot.

"Wow, just by touching the metal I know what it is.", I muttered to myself as I decided to follow the Creator's suggestion and went over to a nearby tree planting my hands on its rough bark.

"Hmm, Lime wood. How convenient.", I said as I brought out the gift given to me by the Creator ACT,  as it morphed from a smithing hammer into an axe. The tree in front of me was on the thick side as it was made up of multiple large branches that all sprouted from the base.

I took a deep breath in as I pulled the axe back before swinging it as hard as I could at a slight angle towards the ground. What surprised me the most was the fact that just as the tip of the blade touched the bark the entirety of the tree slid off what was now the stump and crashed down onto the ground.

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