Agents of SMASH and the Sword Master.

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Hulk's POV:

It has now been a few months after our big battle with the other Heroes we met along our journey as the Agents of SMASH, Tony was kind enough to give us a new refurbished base with updated hulk proof systems just in case Skaar went on another rampage with Devil. Another thing that happened was that we have begun to work internationally as a way to show other countries that we are friendly or as Rick said 'expanding our fan base.'. As I'm walking through the base the alarms start to ring so I start to head towards the hub to see what's happening.

"Why are you doing this?!", a voice shouts from a screen. Upon looking it seems to be a police negotiator standing in front of a skyscraper under construction, there are search lights pointing towards the middle of the building where there are two figures: one that could rival my height and another kneeling on the floor.

"That guy's huge!", Rick exclaimed as we looked at the screen.

"Skaar like sword.", this caused me to look back at the screen to see the large figure with (h/c) hair pull a great sword from his back before resting it on the neck of the person kneeling.

"We need to go there now. Jen get the jet ready. Rick find out where this is. Everyone else get ready.", I ordered as we began to suit up. Hopefully we get there in time.

Y/n's POV:

Why? Why? WHY?! What a stupid question, I finally have the means to exact my revenge on all who hurt me and they dare to ask WHY? I gritted my teeth in anger as I pulled my sword from my back which I held there with belts to act as straps.

"H-hey c-come on man w-we were only j-joking around.", my captive and former bully joked as I rested the sword over his open neck.

"This society is has become corrupt and is doomed to fail!", I shouted as I looked down onto the masses of people, the vultures of the news and the cowards of the police. Looking over the once beautiful city of London which is now full of liars and fakes.

"My name is Y/n L/n, and I was a victim of bullying, my parents became victims of injustice as I laid there in my hospital bed! While they were burning alive my bullies were able to live scot free! I am here to correct that, there will be no negotiations.", I announce as I hear the vultures begin their songs. I raise my sword over the bully's head as I turn to him, "Any last words?", I asked him but before he would open his poisonous mouth I swung my blade down.

But just before I could remove his head from his body I was tackled from behind before crashing into the pavement below. Getting up I saw the familiar face of the Hulk as he stepped up out of the crater before facing me.

"Why did you do that?! They don't deserve to be saved!", I shouted as I swung my sword in an overhead slash forcing the Hulk to jump back and onto the road. "Bullies should be culled before their virus spreads!", I said as I lunged toward the Hulk until I'm tackled again but this time by the smaller figure of She-hulk.

"Man, this guy is hard to move even with Gamma strength.", She said as I hid myself in the dust cloud caused by the debris. I waited for a moment before I grabbed her arm and throwing her up into the air, I noticed a shimmer behind me so I quickly turned around and threw my sword like a javelin with the guard nicking the camouflaged person pushing them onto the road to reveal A-bomb.

That means there are two hulks unaccounted for, suddenly I noticed a grey skinned figure trying to lift up my sword so I charged towards him, grasping the handle as I used to flat side of the sword like a bat to launch him into the construction site.

"Leave! Me! ALONE!", I shouted as I picked up a nearby car and chucking it towards the now landing She-hulk but before it could make contact it was reduced to scraps by laser fire. 

Following the direction to the sound of footsteps the team of Smash grouped together as the familiar flying cameras began to fly around me, before all this I remember watching the agents as they went on their adventures but now it seems like I've now become the source of entertainment.

"What's up Smashers, Its time for a Agents of SMASH beatdown!", A-bomb announced as he curled up into a ball as he dashed towards me, luckily I expected this as I gave a powerful football kick back at his teammates Skaar attempted to catch him but was unsuccessful as he too was hurled back by the added force of my kick.

"The kid's strong I'll give him that.", Thunderbolt Ross turned Red hulk spoke as Big green turned to him.

"Kid?", Hulk asked.

"Yeah, Kid. Y/n L/n, victim of excessive bullying put into a coma at the age of 16. That was 2 years ago.", Red hulk said as the group turned to me. I'm sick of those faces, the faces of pity, the faces of liars!!

Having enough of this I leaped into the air and once again threw my sword at the group, this time with extra force as I aimed for Red Hulk's guns as the blade crashed into them I saw the familiar glow of red skin as my blade was a few inches from his face.

"I just fixed those!!", Red shouted as he tried to lift up my sword as well. While he struggled I began to descend from the air, I pulled my right fist back as I made a targeted strike at Hulk flinging him into a nearby building. I need to leave before any other heroes come so ignoring She-hulk I ran towards Red as he still struggled.

"That's mine!", I said as I pulled the sword from him and jumped into the air heading towards the Thames to make my escape.

Once I knew that I wasn't being followed I exited the river and made it to a nearby warehouse where I had kept a spare bag of clothes in case any heroes showed up. Just my luck to have the heroes that I worshiped to be the ones I have to fight, well since I'm not Gamma powered I suppose it's quite a feat to go toe to toe against them.

Damn it, now the other's know that I'll be after them they'll go into police protection. What should I do? Heh, there is only one answer. To hunt until they're nothing but pools of blood under the fist of justice.

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