Guyver, the Apex Demon Slayer.

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3rd POV:

"Caw Caw Kamado! Go to a town in the East! The East! Caw!", a crow called out as it flew over a group of boys. The boys: one dressed in a checkered green haori with a wooden box on his back, a bare chested boy wearing a boar head and a cowardly looking boy with a yellow and white haori.

The leader of the group, Kamado the one in green, nodded at the crow's instructions as he began to head towards the town with the other two boys following behind him.

Upon arrival, the boys were shocked by the sight of the town. Instead of looking like a place of peace it looked like a battlefield, houses were completely destroyed with only the foundations remaining, the ground looked like it had been scorched to the point of it turning black and along the main road it was as if the ground had been ripped apart by an unexplained force.

As they surveyed the area the boy in the yellow haori spoke first.

"W-what happened here? D-did a d-demon do this?", he stuttered as he turned towards the two that were looking at what to be a pile of ashes.

"I don't think it was a demon Zenitsu, I think someone else fought the demons before us.", the one known as Kamado replied until he suddenly jumped up and spun around holding his blade in front of him.

"Who ever you are show yourself!", he ordered. Off in the distance of the scorched road was a white fog that was highlighted from the moon light and out from it was a very unusual being.

The being in question looked like they were made out of insect like armour, their eyes were a piercing red. They were covered in large black spikes that protruded from their head, arms and face. There was a glowing silver orb in the centre of the figure's forehead.

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A/n: art not mine.

The figure stood still for a moment watching the boys as they pulled out their swords before it begun to approach them. Every step towards the boys caused them to tense at the sight until one of them had enough. The boar headed boy charged at the unknown man.

"Inosuke! Wait!", Kamado warned but the boy didn't listen as he swung his jagged swords in an over head slash. However, they didn't expect how the figure reacted to the attacker. In one swift movement the figure covered it's face as the spike on its arms grew and glowed a sinister purple, once Inosuke had landed on the ground he held up his two swords only to see that he was holding the bandage wrapped handles.

Only having enough time to look up at the figure before he was suddenly grabbed by his neck.

"You don't look like a demon.", the figure spoke. Now recognised to be a male his voice was distorted and echoed through the bones of the three boys.

Inosuke tried his best to wriggle out of the man's grip but it was of no use, punching the male's arms only injured the boy further.

Suddenly the two silver orbs on the side of the man's head began to move as he dropped Inosuke and sprinted towards and past the boys, the spikes on the figure's arms began to grow as he slashed something that tried to hide in the remains of a tavern. As the tavern collapsed all the boys could see was the head of a demon that rolled towards them.

The head was female, her hair was a bright blue, eyes a sickly yellow and her skin was a pale white she looked up at the boys and began to beg.

"P-please s-s-save me!! I don't want to die from this monster!! Please!!", she begged until the shadow of the male's foot rose over her before her head was suddenly stomped into the ground.

Kamado couldn't bare looking at the remains of the demon's head as he turned trying not to gag from the sight. He could feel his sister, a demon, Nezuko shaking within the confines of the box on his back.

"W-why did you do that to her? You could have killed her peacefully.", the boy stuttered as he tried not to gag at the sight of the caved in head.

"Demons are savages that don't deserve something as human as mercy. They should be executed with the same level of savagery they inflicted on others.", the black clad figure spoke as his voice weighed heavily on the young boys.

As the figure pushed past the boys leaving the destroyed town he gave a warning to the young demon slayers.

"Don't get in my way or I'll kill that demon you have on your back...", he spoke as he faded from sight.

A/n: first demon slayer oneshot how'd I do?

I had this one on the back burner for a while but couldn't think of where to stop it. If you feel this was cut short you're right.

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