Mutants & Metas.

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3rd POV:
A lone red and purple car enters the busy traffic of Central City, within the car are two people. The first being a middle aged woman with platinum blonde hair and dark brown eyes, she was at the wheel of the vehicle as she stopped at a pair of traffic lights she turned to the back seats of the car.

At the back of the car was a boy no older than 14 years old staring out of the window. The boy had the same platinum blonde hair as the woman along with E/c eyes. The odd thing about the boy was the fact that three small metal marbles were spinning slowly in his hand, "Y/n", the woman addressed the boy casing the marbles to freeze and fall into the boy's hand.

The now named Y/n turned to the woman in the drivers seat, "Yeah?"

"We're almost there. Remember what I told you right?", the woman asked as she continued driving through the busy city.

"I got it Mum. People don't know about us, it's best to keep it that way.", Y/n recalled as he looked down and the trio of metal marbles in his hand before they began to morph and shape into three silver rings as they slide onto his fingers.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I'm so proud of who you have become. Your father would be too.", Y/n's Mother spoke as she eventually arrived at their destination, which was a house in the suburbs of Central City.

As the pair unpacked the car and entered the house they began to empty their boxes and arrange their furniture, Y/n looked at one box in particular before opening it to show a large glass case which held a metallic gladiator like helmet as he placed the case on the coffee table there was a knock on the door.



"Coming!", his mother called out from upstairs as she hurried to the front door briefly looking at the odd helmet with a smile.

Fiddling with the locks on the door she quickly pulled it open to come face to face with Joe West, a local detective of CCPD and Barry Allen CSI / Superhero.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt you when you're moving in but I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the neighbourhood. I'm Joe West and this is my son Barry Allen.", the aged detective introduced as Y/n walked closer to the door where his mother was.

"Oh! Hello, thank you. I'm M/n L/n and this is my son Y/n, we just moved in today. Y/n why don't you say hello?", his mother said as she ushered the boy closer.

Y/n, however, didn't seem in the mood to follow his mothers demands as he eyed the two men suspiciously taking notice of Joe's gun and badge before looking at the lanky Barry Allen.

"Pass.", he replied as he delved deeper into the house and up the stairs.

"Sorry about that. He's at that age.", M/n said as she watched the boy climb the steps before disappearing.

"It's okay. Happens to the best of us.", Joe said understandably as he looked at Barry before looking back at M/n, "Well, if you need anything we're just a few blocks down, number 45, that's us.", Joe smiled as he left the woman to unpack the rest of her things while Barry gave one last look at the house before speeding off in a blur.

Unknown to him, however, was the fact that Y/n was watching him speed away from the window above.

A few days later:
Barry's POV:
After another successful capture of a new meta I ran through the corridors of Star labs until I suddenly got a strange feeling when I got closer to the time vault, curious I opened its futuristic walls and entered the white room.

At the end of the room was the hologram of a newspaper from the future but it was different, way different. Instead of announcing my disappearance the title read:

Villain Magneto and his brotherhood of Mutants call for Independence from the world and create the country of Krakoa.

"What the hell?", I mutter as I read the headline again and again before speeding out of the vault and into the cortex to meet the others.

"Guys! We've got a problem!", I exclaim as I slide across the floor stopping in the middle of the cortex.

"What's up?", Cisco asked as he chews on a piece of red liquorice while the others, Caitlin, Harry and Wally turn to me.

"The newspaper from the future has changed! Like completely changed!", I announce as I showed them the hologram.

"Magneto. That's a cool name.", Cisco comments.

"What's a mutant? Is that like a meta?", Wally adds.

"Something must have changed for the future to be effected this much by it. Allen has anything happened recently that didn't happen before Flashpoint?", Harry asked as I tried to recall the last few days.

"Yeah, Yeah. A new family moved in near to Joe's place. But what does that have to do with this?", I asked not quite picking up what he's putting down.

"We'll see.", Harry replies before leaving the cortex. So, leaving the rest of us confused we turn in for the day as the name Magneto sticks in my head.


It's now the next day and Cisco, Wally and I are walking over to the L/n's house. It was the weekend and I had spotted a large moving van outside of their house so I offered to help the family with the unloading.

Wally and I slowly moved through the house each carrying one side of a rectangular kitchen table, "Thank you so much for the help you two. You can just put it there.", Miss L/n directed from the kitchen while her son Y/n was watching us from the stairs fiddling with the metal rings on his fingers before his eyes darted over to Cisco who moved over to a helmet of some kind in a glass case on a shelf.

"Don't touch that.", the teen said cooly as he startled Cisco who's hand was inches from the case.

"Right, look but don't touch got it.", Cisco added as he looked at the boy.

"Why don't you boys have a drink?", Miss L/n offered as she handed Wally a jug of lemonade and a tray of cups to me before directing us outside on the porch.

"Thank you Miss L/n.", Wally thanked as we took our seats and sat down.

As we had our drinks Y/n spoke up causing me to choke on the lemonade, "For someone who can move at the speed of sound you're not very discreet are you?", the boy asked as he eyed the golden ring on my finger with the flash emblem.

"*cough* I uh, don't know what you mean.", I replied as I covered the ring and looked at the others for help.

"Sure, I suppose that isn't you then.", Y/n said as he held up his phone showing a video of me speeding away near his house.

"C'mon Barry.", Cisco facepalmed as the video replayed showing my face clear as day.

"I guess the ring holds the suit.", Y/n guesses as he moves his and towards me and I suddenly feel the ring being pulled off my finger by an invisible force of some kind before it shot over to his hand as he grabbed it.

"Woah! How did you do that?", I asked as I rubbed my finger where the ring was pulled from.

"That was cool.", Cisco commented as I watched the ring float in Y/n's hand.

Then something amazing happened, one of the silver rings on the teen's finger morphed into a flat circular disk that moved around us before morphing back into a ring and returning to Y/n.

"How did you do that? Are you a meta?", Wally asked as a speechless Cisco sat beside him.

"No, I'm something else. Something better.", Y/n answered confidently with a smile as he looked down at the silver metal on his fingers.

"Mutant.", I muttered.

"Yeah, how did you know that?", he asked curiously.

"Uh,", I quickly looked at my watch before grabbing the still floating golden ring, "We've got to go.", I said as I looked at Wally and grabbed Cisco before speeding away back to Star labs.

A/n: how was that? I had this idea for a while just wasn't sure which mutant power to pick but eventually I chose Magneto because he's awesome.

If I were to develop this story I'd add other X-men related things maybe a certain force too....

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