A Phantom on the path of Discovery.

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A/n: This is an alternate idea to my A Phantom in a galaxy far far away. Where you the reader are transported into the world of Star Trek Discovery. I personally quite like the series so I wanted to write this.

3rd POV:

As the USS Discovery continues its voyage through the depths of space there is a sudden signal from an unknown source. In the Captain's office it's Captain, Captain Lorca and First, Saru, are conversing about an issue regarding a new recruit aboard the Discovery.

"I understand that you and Michael Burnam have a past but you are also the one that praised her. We are the only ship that has a chance against the Klingon threat. If having Burnam aboard the Discovery increases our chances we should take it.", Captain Lorca reasons with his First officer.

Said Kelpian nods in slight understanding before the ganglea on the back of his head protrude outwards.

"Captain, we've received a signal from a nearby medical ship they're being attacked by Klingons.", the voice of the Discovery's Communications officer Lieutenant Bryce.

"Copy that.", Lorca replied as he exited his office onto the bridge and sat down in his chair, "How far are we?", he asked the helmsman.

"Not far, we could arrive in 5 minutes at most.", Detmer replied as she typed into her console.

"Very well. Go to red alert and warp us there. I want our torpedos loaded by the time we exit.", Lorca commanded.

"Yes sir!", the crew responded as the lights of the bridge turned red and the ship jumped to warp.

"Lieutenant Bryce, I want you to keep me updated on the situation with that ship. Alert Star fleet, try and get at least one more ship to our location.", Lorca said as he returned to his office to prepare himself for the battle to come.

Soon it was time and the Uss Discovery exited warp right into the centre of the battle zone between the med ship and the Klingons. Now taking on the brunt of the damage to protect the much smaller med ship, the Discovery returned fire easily dispatching two of the three ships that were caught by surprise of their arrival.

"Sir, the med ship's shields are down to 15%. If they take any more hits they won't make it.", Bryce informed the Captain who nodded.

"Can you get a lock on the last Klingon ship?", Lorca asked.

"No sir, they're evading us on purpose. Trying to attack the med ship we are protecting.", Saru replied, "Sir, the scanners are picking up an unusual energy signature and it's getting closer to our location."

"Put it up on the monitors.", Lorca said. Saru nodded as on the main screen an image of a bright green glow began to grow larger and larger as it came closer to the battlefield.

"What is it? A ship?", Detmer asked as she turned to her copilot who was speechless at the sight.

"Sir, the readings are off the charts.", Bryce informed as suddenly a large glowing emerald hand emerged from the light and grabbed the Klingon ship before slowly crushing it.

"What the hell?", Lorca muttered to himself as the crew watched the helpless shuttle be destroyed in a fiery explosion. The glowing hand dissipated but the green light remained and flew closer to the saucer of the Discovery.

"Sir, we're being scanned.", Bryce began to speak until a wave of unknown green energy passed through the bridge before suddenly disappearing.

"We still have our shields up but whatever scanned us is so advanced it just passed straight through.", a new voice spoke up coming from the Astromycologist and lead scientist Paul Stamet accompanied by cadet Sylvia Tilly.

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