Class 1-A raises the child of a Villain.

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3rd POV:

During the late night in the city of Musutafu the underground hero known as Eraser head is leaping across rooftops. As a way of cooling off after a long day of teaching his new class at UA, as he does this he hears an alarm of a nearby shop go off. He turns and heads towards his new location.

Upon arrival he spots something quite unusual, a giant hole seemed to be melted through the side of the brick layered building allowing the perpetrator to enter. Jumping down and entering he walked through the many isles of the store.


Eraser head turned sharply to the noise, grabbing his scarf-like weapon prepared, "Who ever you are I suggest you to come out now.", he said calmly as he spotted a few sweet wrappers on the ground.

At the end of the isle there was a small shadow of a figure crouched on the ground, as he stepped closer he saw something very odd. The figure looked to be around the size of a small child, it seemed to be made of some sort of bright green slime which shined slightly in the moonlight, startled the child panicked and morphed into a small ball and stayed perfectly still in hopes that the hero could not spot it.

 The figure looked to be around the size of a small child, it seemed to be made of some sort of bright green slime which shined slightly in the moonlight, startled the child panicked and morphed into a small ball and stayed perfectly still in hope...

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"I can see you, if you want some food I'll give it to you.", Eraser head spoke quietly and the ball began to roll towards him before changing back into the humanoid figure and then the green that formed his skin began to change as clothes formed around his body to reveal a skinny 6 year old boy.

"Where are your parents?", the hero asked.

"Dead. Prison.", the child answered shortly.

"What's your name? Mine is Aizawa.", he asked as he looked over the boy, skinny, dirty clothes and heavy bags under his eyes.

"Y/n, just Y/n.", Y/n answered.

Aizawa's POV:

After talking with Principal Nezu about the child I had encountered it was decided that he would stay with me on UA grounds, it turns out that his father was in prison. The villain known as the Sludge villain aka Alexander Slazor, who was defeated by All might around 10 months ago.

As I walked through the halls of UA with Y/n following behind me, I had a terrible feeling about what may happen to the boy and how he may perceive the world around him. Would there be an admiration of heroes like many children his age? Or would it be something else... something darker.

I looked down to my right side, Y/n stood there, emotionless almost as he stared at the large door with 1-A plastered on it in bold red letters. He didn't seem to be curious about its towering size like many first years at UA would instead he looked down the corridor watching students walk by with an analysing gaze.

I could hear the loud chatter on the other side of the door, "Let's just get this over with.", I said to myself as I opened the door with a loud slam alerting the occupants inside. They were quick to return to their seats.

"You're getting faster. Good. Today's classes will be different compared to your usual syllabus.", I began as Tenya iida was quick to raise his hand.


"Will this be another series of tests or a part of our hero training?", he asked as the heads of the class swivelled around.

"Neither. But it will be a test of your social skills as well as help you interact with different types of civilians or people. This will be your first challenge.", I announced as the class tensed up, I looked over to Y/n who stood just outside of the class and motioned for him to enter.

As he did the class followed his movements until he stopped and sat down on the floor beside the podium giving a slight yawn.

"A kid?", Kirishima Eijiro questioned as Y/n stared back at the class with his unchanging e/c eyes.

"Yes. This is Y/n, he will be staying at UA for the foreseeable future. Your challenge will be to have him open up to you all. This is a team exercise, you all have to work as one unit otherwise you all fail.", I informed the class, they seem confident but that will change soon.

"I am going to go pick up some papers. Y/n you stay here, the class will look over you.", I merely received a nod in reply and left.

Y/n's POV:

The class were quick to get up except for a few, a green haired boy, a spiky blonde, a boy with a bird head and another with a face mask.

"Heya Y/n! My name is Mina Ashido but you can call me Mina!", a loud pink skinned girl said as her yellow pupils inched closer and closer to me.

"Too loud.", I said with a thumbs down which caused the girl to back away slightly.

"Tch. This is stupid, why do we have to look after some kid. He looks weaker than Deku.", the spiky blonde said which irked me causing me to gather a small ball of green goo the size of a marble in my hand before rolling it over to his chair as soon as it made contact with one of the legs it quickly melted away causing said boy to fall off his chair and his face to hit the floor.

"Too lame.", I responded with my thumbs down once again as I looked at the blonde who tried to get up off the floor.

"You just destroyed school property! Do you have no respect for the predecessors who once sat here!", the same boy who asked Eraser head at the beginning exclaimed as he flailed his arms.

"Wow! How did you do that?", the green haired boy stood up from his desk and picked up the half melted chair.

"It's like my acid but super duper strong.", Mina said as a white liquid came from her hand and hit the floor making a light fizzing sound for a moment but leaving no damage.

I smirked as I grabbed my right wrist with my left hand and began to pull on it until I was able to rip it right off and drop it to the floor. All the girls in the class screamed in fright along with the green haired boy until they noticed that instead of blood there was the same green goo that I used to melt the chair.

My right hand then morphed into a green puddle and edged it's way over to me eventually making contact with my foot as I absorbed it to recreate my missing hand.

"Ta dah.", I spoke unenthusiastically as I wriggled the fingers on my hand which caused the green haired boy to faint.

"Weakling.", I informed with my thumb down.

A/n: little bit of a short chapter but I wanted to do a MHA oneshot and thought this was a good restarter to get back into my groove. Thoughts?

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