Alter Ego of the Gods.

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Y/n's POV:

"With the last sparks of my magic I entrust the power of the gods to my successor!! Y/n L/n. SHAZAM!", the voice of the Wizard that took me from my family shouted as a bolt of lightning struck my body and sent me far from my  home.

The last thing I saw were the bullets, shot from the loan shark mobsters, flying through the air before littering my parents with bloody holes and then darkness.

I remember standing in that cave, my hand reaching out for my parents hanging there. My body was larger, as if sculpted by the gods, covered in an unusual red suit with black and gold accents. But at the time that didn't matter to me, I wanted my parents and they were taken from me.

I could feel the power flowing through my veins, a power I wish I had just a few moments earlier, then I heard the voice of that Wizard

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I could feel the power flowing through my veins, a power I wish I had just a few moments earlier, then I heard the voice of that Wizard.

"Y/n L/n, my successor. I have chosen you to be the next champion of the Gods. I-?!", I cut him off as I spun around and grabbed his neck with one hand lifting him a few feet off the ground.

"You took me from my family! Why didn't you save them?!", I asked with rage as bolts of lightning danced along my arm and began to burn the Wizard forcing him to scream in pain.

I held tighter onto his neck as a massive bolt of lightning erupted from the sky and struck the aged wizard leaving nothing but his charred bones allowing me to crush them to dust.

Allowing my fury to take over me bolts of lightning spread out from my body, striking every surface within my vicinity before it exploded in a giant blue explosion as I propelled myself into the sky.


3rd POV: a few years later.
Central city:

A red streak followed by orange lightning sped through the bustling city of Central city. This was of course the Flash, aka Barry Allen. As he ran through the city he received a call from Cisco Ramon on his comms.

"Hey Barry, there's an unusual report of a man in a red and black suit attacking people with lightning a few blocks from your location.", Cisco informed.

"Got it. I'll go check it out.", Barry replied as he ran to the location.

When he arrived he was shocked by what he saw, the man in question was floating above the ground and was holding a man dressed in an all black suit. There were similar men with the same clothes as the man, however, there was one key difference all the other men were dead. With giant holes in their chest that were still slightly smoking from their bodies.

Barry quickly used his super speed to run over to the last suited man alive but was surprised when the hooded figure began to turn towards Barry despite how fast he was going. The man's eyes were glowing a bright blue and white as small sparks of lightning flickered around his eyes.

The hooded man quickly swung his free hand at Barry who was unable to defend himself quick enough and was sent flying into a nearby car.

"P-please man. I-I don't know!", the black suited man stuttered as he stared at the godly being that was holding him.

"You'll talk. Or I'll drop you.", the bone chilling voice of the figure said as he flew high into the sky and into the clouds as there was a boom of thunder and a quick flash of lightning.

"Barry! You ok?!", Caitlin asked.

"Whoever this guy is he caught up with me. Maybe even faster than me and he flew.", Barry said slightly amazed.


"What's that?", Cisco asked. As Barry looked up to see the falling figure of the black suited man, in an attempt to catch the man Barry tried to create a cyclone with his arms to slow the fall but he was too late as the body hit the ground with a hard splat spraying blood and limbs across the floor.

"Oh... that was gross.", Barry tried to stop himself from throwing up as he turned from the mess.

"Don't get in my way Flash.", a voice said above him.

Barry looked up in surprise to see the hooded man as lightning crackled over his body, the gold shining in the morning sun, the red slightly faded as the pitch black of his suit crept towards the giant lightning bolt symbol on his chest and then he vanished.

Barry quickly ran back to STAR labs as he conversed with Cisco, Caitlin and Harry Wells on the possibly new Meta that had appeared.

"So you're telling me this guy caught up with you?", Detective Joe West asked Barry as they walked to the crime scene that Barry had been to earlier.

"Faster even. Attacked me with no hesitation before he flew up into the sky.", Barry explained.

They watched as the forensics officers placed down multiple numbered signs across the crime scene before them to show the remains of the body that fell from the sky. Barry and Joe walked over to one of the burned corpses.

"God, you don't think Zoom sent this guy do you?", Joe asked worried for his adopted son.

"No, I don't think so. He didn't seem to care about me at all actually. Seems like these guys attacked him first, clearly they knew he was looking for them.", Barry hypothesised as he scanned over the scene before him.

"What makes you say that?", Joe asked.

"Well, first the amount of bullet casings on the floor along with shrapnel from what I could guess to be a rocket launcher.", he began.

"Right but no weapons were found."

"I think the guy used his powers to destroy them or collected them all up. If he's faster than me it would make sense. But I think he's bullet proof too, in the centre I found these.", Barry said as he presented an evidence bag which had a flattened bullet within it.

"So what he let them shoot at him before taking their guns?", Joe asked.

"Yeah, take a look at these burn marks too.", Barry said as he walked past the body and at a metal wall behind it. There were large branch like scorch marks spread out on the metal surface.


"I think this guy can control lightning, like project it from himself. Unlike, Mark Mardon who could just summon it, the blast is stronger. So strong that even when it passed the victim's body it did this much damage to the surround area. It's precise but insanely powerful too.", Barry reported as he began to pick up a few pieces of evidence from the cauterised wounds of the corpse.

Joe only silently nodded leaving the CSI / hero to do his work as he went back to his car.

A/n: Finish. I had this idea for a while as Shazam isn't in the Arrowverse but I wanted a darker more anti hero version.

Tell me what you think? I've got tons of ideas for my Oneshot book but I'm stumped with my other books currently. Sorry to everyone waiting for my other stories to be updated.

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