The one known as Doom.

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3rd POV:

Multicoloured crowds bustled around a large warehouse that seemed to be converted to a market of sorts, each selling various items: books, comics, posters, figures and other miscellaneous objects. This was Comic con, in London, there were groups of Stormtroopers that crowded around a large lego figure of Darth Vader, or different iterations of Batman striking poses next to their greatest enemies and fellow heroes.

But among them one person stood out, this was Y/n who chose not to conform to what everyone else was wearing. There were few villains within the building, jokers, banes, a sandman, a Mysterio but that was it. Y/n's costume consisted of a mostly metallic grey suit with a helmet, it had touches of dark green and three glowing green circles on his chest, he also wore a black hooded cape which was tattered on the edges.

Y/n was dressed as the Infamous Iron man

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Y/n was dressed as the Infamous Iron man. A less well known hero in the Marvel comics, former villain Dr Doom turned hero after the death of the original Iron man, Tony Stark, who took it upon himself to adopt the mantle of Iron man.

He moved through the busy groups, greeting a few as he moved past them, his target was a stall that sat in the corner of the large building. Eventually arriving at his destination he scanned over the items that the stall had to offer.

"How much for the set?", Y/n asked the man who worked at the stall who was dressed as The Watcher from the Marvel what if series. Y/n was pointing at a collection of DVDs.

"Hmm, The Flash Season 1. With deleted scenes as well. How about... £30?", the Watcher asked Y/n who rubbed the chin of his grey helmet.

"20.", Y/n countered.

"£25, final offer.", the man stood firm with his hand out.

"Fine. Deal.", Y/n said shaking the man's hand and pulling out his wallet to pay for his new collection.

With his DVDs payed for Y/n began to leave until suddenly everything went dark there were a few startled screams then the lights turned back on. The only difference now was that Y/n was missing but his collection of The Flash was left on the floor sparking with mysterious purple lightning.


Y/n's POV:

I suddenly find myself in an alleyway of some kind, odd, the last thing I remember I was still at comic con.

"Hey!", someone shouted from behind me. I turned to see it was a police officer but his badge read CCPD, I only just realised there was a holographic hud that zoomed in on the badge in my helmet.

"Stay where you are or I will shoot!", the officer commanded, but I was too distracted by the sudden change in my surroundings. I raised my right arm to look at my hand, there was a light green glow from the middle of the metal palm.

*Bang!* *Bang!*

The officer fired but what he nor I expected was the bullets to bounce off my now metal armour. I turned to look at the man as he stepped back in fear, until I know more about this place I shouldn't cause unnecessary trouble for myself.

If this suit is based on the iron man armour then it must... I thought of flying and soon enough I shot into the sky, green energy blasting me higher and higher past the many odd and new buildings around me. As I flew I looked at the bustling streets below me, "Where am I?", I asked myself and the suit responded. It showed the badge of the officer, Central City Police Department, Central City... where have I heard that from?

I stopped flying and hovered just above what looked to be a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, as I descended I came to realise where I was.

"Earth - 1, the Flash, Arrowverse and this suit.", I slowly descended through the decrepit building and landed on the ground.

But when am I?

"Show known Vigilantes and heroes." , I ordered as my heads-up display showed news articles on the Arrow and recent sightings of a red streak.

So, I'm in the early stages of the Flash maybe in the first few episodes. Question is what should I do? And why am I here?


It's been a few weeks now, after arriving in the Arrow-verse I figured out all of the suit's capabilities as well as anything else that may help me on this new earth and what I found was remarkable. Not only did I have the iron man armour of Dr Doom I also had his magical prowess along with a higher intellect than almost anyone in this new universe.

Using this new intellect I have already fabricated a birth certificate along with a minor historical background in case anyone tries to uncover my sudden appearance, I've decided to go with the name Y/n Von Doom, and I plan on 'bumping into' the lead characters soon as well.

I activate my armour as the grey hexagons form around my body to create my iron man armour and begin to fly out of my new apartment which I bought using various accounts of dead mobsters, untraceable yet easy to use, as I fly around something catches my eye a flash of orange lightning darting through the streets of Central city.

Let's put this plan into action shall we?

Following the Flash I'm lead to Stagg industries as a robbery is taking place, I watch from the skylight as the speedster fights rather poorly against the group of gunmen, Multiplex, a lame villain compared to others in the Arrow-verse. One of the clones sneaks behind the hero and hits him in the head allowing the others to flee.

Getting sick of this I crash through the windows and fire two repulsor blasts and the leading gunmen killing them instantly, they melt into sludge, not the real one.

"Stand down final warning.", I warned as I readied my repulsors once again at the rest of the gunmen.

They didn't listen and began to fire a hail of bullets that merely bounced off my armour, I fired without mercy at the others all but one disappeared as his body crumpled to the floor.

"You killed him.", the flash stumbled as he stood up still disoriented.

"He would've killed more.", I argued as I activated my thrusters and hovered off the ground. I turned to the hole in the window that I flew through and made my exit.

Just like I had predicted the young hero sped off after me until he eventually crashed into a set of bins, I flew down to him and pulled off his mask.

"No concussion.", I commented picking up the hero on the back of his collar before flying towards Star labs.

God this place is a mess and the security, ugh, I walked through the halls dragging the speedster by the foot as his body slid along the floor.

"Stop right there!", the comedian, Cisco Ramon, said as he held a large spanner ready to throw it. Caitlin and Dr wells Aka the Reverse flash were beside him, it was funny to see even the emotionless doctor worried about his mortal nemesis.

"He needs to eat more.", I stated as I threw Mr Allen towards the trio his body came to a halt at their feet.

"Barry!", Caitlin shouted as she checked over him. I turned to leave.

"Who are you?", the hidden Reverse Flash asked.


A/n: ta dah!! How was that? Thought I'd make a more villain like male reader in The Flash. Had to choose one of my favourite marvel characters Infamous Iron man.

I've got another Supergirl oneshot in mind so look forward to that as well.

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