Remnant's Midnight Slaughter.

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3rd POV:

Bad-ump, bad-ump.

The sound of a heart beat echoes in the silence of the red forest. Slow and steady it continues.

Bad-ump, bad-ump

Soon a groan follows it. The rustling of leaves that lay on the muddy ground crunch as a figure begins to rise. The figure is rather large in stature, as his head hits one of the branches of the trees, he stumbles back a bit trying to regain his balance as his large three clawed toes dig into the mud. Upon standing to his full height he looks down on his body, his hands are also clawed and has five digits on both hands four fingers and a thumb, turning his hands over the figure looks at the reptile like scales that cover their body as he grazes his hand along his arm.

Looking at his surrounding the figure spots a pond nearby and he makes his way there. Stomping as he went the ripples of the pond reacting to each step. As the figure looked at his reflection the only familiarity being his (e/c) eyes staring back at him but the rest of his features were alien to him. Taking a deep breath he spoke.

"I can't believe it. I look almost exactly like them.", his gruff and gravelly voice echoing in the forest.

"What's worst is I think I know where I am...", as if on cue a low beast-like growl emits from behind the figure.

On instinct they react with unimaginable speed for someone of their size and raised their right hand as a crude shield began to form blocking a strike from the attacker.

A lotus shaped shield protected the figure as he swung his free hand at the beast hitting its exterior skull and creating an audible crack

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A lotus shaped shield protected the figure as he swung his free hand at the beast hitting its exterior skull and creating an audible crack.

"No way! I've become Cull Obsidian!", he shouts in shock as he looks at the shield as it begins to revert into a metal brace on his forearm matching the other on his left arm.

Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

I can't believe it, the last time I was this shocked was when I watched the ending of Avengers Endgame. I'm a completely different perso- no thing now.

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