The Wizarding Hero: Merlin.

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Y/n. POV:

I finally made it. Who would have thought that after a few generations Muggles would become so strong. Japan is so much more different as well compared to Britain, I think the most prominent thing is how clean the streets are. Although quirks are a lot more easily accepted here compared to other places in the world, along with the rising of heroes and villains like the ones you would have seen in comic books, then again wizards and witches still prefer to go into hiding and pretend to be "quirkless" to not rouse suspicion or go to work for the Ministry of Magic. That's what my parents wanted for me anyway but I wanted to be different.


"If muggles can be heroes why can't I?", I remember my younger self asking my parents. At the time my mother and I were visiting my dad who works as an Auror at the Ministry.

"Sweetie, I understand you want to be a hero but you can't be like the ones you see on TV, it would go against the rules that the Ministry had put in place all those years ago. Your dad is a Auror he fights evil much like those heroes you watch. Why don't you be an Auror instead?", she concludes almost pleadingly.

I go to protest but I am interrupted.

"What's this talk about heroes I hear?", the Minister of magic asks, in a kind yet curious tone. The minister is a tall man roughly in his late 50s, with an average build possessing long black hair that just reaches the shoulders, he has a partially unkept beard but it doesn't hide away his warm smile. His attire consists of a black dinner jacket with matching black pants, his shirt is a deep navy blue and are accompanied with black brogues. Unlike previous ministers of magic the current one is always open to ideas no matter how mad they may seem and has been titled by the Daily prophet as 'The friendliest Minister'.

"Oh! Minister Charles, I didn't see you there. It was just my son he's obsessed with becoming a hero that those Muggles portray, ever since the rise of those 'quirks', he can't stop talking about becoming the 'First Wizarding Hero'. Maybe you could talk some sense into him? ", my mother asks in a hopeful manner.

" The 'First Wizarding hero' that doesn't sound too bad, I was just in a meeting with other ministers actually because there is a decline in Wizards and Witches as a result of the appearance of quirks we were thinking of slowly bringing the wizarding world out of hiding. We just couldn't think of a way until now.... Your son has just given me a remarkable idea.", The minister cheerily expressed. My mother on the other hand, was not so thrilled with the Minister's newfound plan.


I finally made it to our new home here in Japan, I think the minister went overboard with the size of the house though....

IT'S A MANSION??????!!!

After getting over the shock of our new home 'can I call it a home?' (I pondered), I decided to enter through the large gates, the gates themselves were amazing to see, the intricate swirls and spirals of metal showed an excellent skill of craftsmanship as well as dedication to its design. The Mansion itself was also a piece of art from its black and gold marbled pillars supporting an overhang that shadowed the entrance to the large birch and steel riveted door just looking at the entrance itself had exuded an overbearing atmosphere of hierarchy, wealth and authority. Although, the mansion was quite intimidating I don't think the Minister meant for it to be like that but for I think any child or teenager maybe even some adults they would not see it the way the minister had hoped.

Once inside I heard the distinct chatter of my mother as I got closer to the voice, which was situated towards the back of the hallway on the right hand side of the large marble stairs that was in the centre of the entrance, I saw her sitting in an old fashioned oak wood office her large desk taking up most of the room with each side being lined with bookshelves some holding books written by famous writers or wizards while others held framed drawings or photos some of the photos were moving but that wasn't uncommon for a wizarding home.

From the angry mutterings that I heard from my mother I knew that she was in a bad mood writing on a large scroll of paper with an enchanted pink, red and gold feather next to her was a red envelope indicating that she was actually writing a Howler, "That minister is a complete buffoon, we're supposed to be welcoming how can you be welcoming with an estate that is larger than the school?!, what an idiot, it will take hours to transfigure all that marble!!", she muttered with a rage filled glare towards the parchment which seemed to have quivered slightly. Once she had finished writing she returned to her first line located on the other side of the scroll, after proof reading both sides of the paper she neatly placed it into the envelope and called over her owl to send to the minister, 'that poor unfortunate soul' . My mother's owl was a beautiful barn owl which had stayed with her ever since her first year at Hogwarts and had been named Juliet, once she had received the letter she made her long journey back to the Ministry, luckily though for longer travels owls were able to take a new route that was invented by a famous muggle witch to use the clouds the way we use floo powder I don't really know all the details but it's still quite a leap in magic progression.

When Juliet had left my mother turned to greet me, " Oh, Hello Y/n I didn't see you there, I was just exchanging some information with the minister about your new school. Have you been to your room yet?", she asks innocently not knowing that I heard what she was angrily muttering just a moment earlier.

"No, not yet Mum, but now that you mentioned it I'm pretty exhausted so I might go to sleep if I'm going to the exam tomorrow" I replied sleepily, rubbing my eyes as I spoke.

" That's a great idea, I plan on getting you up early so we can have a conversation about the school and what magic that you'll be learning for this year. Your father will be coming home late so you'll see him in the morning apparently he's got a surprise for you." , She finished excitedly. I nodded and slowly made my way back to the centre of the hall making my way upstairs. Inspecting each room I came across I finally found mine, quickly crashing into the covers of my bed and letting the darkness consume me as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

A/n: that took a while. 1310 words wow. how do you like this one? I've tried to add some hints hope it wasn't too obvious when reading. I really enjoyed writing this one. Was I too descriptive?
I definitely will write a second chapter to this, it won't be the next one but in the future.

Since it's in Japan and the Reader is British I'll signal a change in translation. I'll add the reminder to the next part to this story specifically or earlier in a different story.

I'd love some input if you are an avid writer I do art so I'm open to critique. :D

Don't know when I'll write next, I have another Bnha idea but it's only for a quirk right now so it might be some time til then.

Have a Happy New year.

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