The Grim Speedster.

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A/n: this takes part in Season 5 of the Flash.
3rd POV:

Team Flash along with Iris, Joe and Cecile are welcoming Nora to the team at the West's home. The group all enjoying themselves partying and celebrating, "Aww man, out of juice over here.", Ralph Aka the Elongated man, says as he tries to get the last few drops out of his now empty beer bottle.

"I'll get it.", Nora offered as she began to speed away until something strange happened, instead of the lightning trailing behind her it attacked her. Her lighting changed from its usual purple and orange to a bright yellow.

The now changed lighting struck her right shoulder before burning the mark of a scythe onto her skin, "Ah!", she screamed out in shock and pain as she collapsed to the floor.

This of course had alerted the rest of the group as they turned to Nora who was a crumpled heap on the floor, "What happened?", Barry asked as he sped over to his future daughter Nora.

"I-I don't know. I tried to use the speedforce when my own lightning attacked me.", she recalled as she grabbed her shoulder in pain, "It hurts so much.", as she pulled her sleeve up to show an almost black burn mark on her shoulder still sparking with yellow lightning.

"Let's get you to the Lab, I'll see you guys there.", Barry said as he sped off towards STAR labs as the others followed after him.

A few moments later and Nora was still writhing on one of the beds in the med bay, "Can't you give her something for the pain?", Iris asked Caitlin concerned.

"No, her high metabolism would break down any pain killers I give her. What's remarkable is that the wound isn't healing at all despite the fact that she is a speedster.", Caitlin said in a half worried half impressed tone as she looked at the young girl in the med bay.

Barry was seen pacing back and forth in the cortex as Cisco and Ralph watched him, "You need to chill out man. We'll find out why her lightning attacked her.", Cisco reassured Barry but the man continued to pace only nodding at his friends words.

"Perhaps, the culprit is already among us.", Sherloque Wells suggested causing the others to look at him confused.

"None of us could do that!", Barry said pointing at his daughter who was in visible pain.

"No no, Mister Allen. Her lightning attacked her no?", Sherloque asked to which Barry nodded, "What if it was the Speedforce that did it?"

"What? That doesn't make sense. Why would it attack Nora in the first place?", Caitlin asked as she walked over to the monitors and join the conversation.

"Time travel, Nora came here from the future. The Speedforce doesn't like it when people mess with the timeline.", Sherloque revealed. This caused the others to come to the same realisation, it wasn't a random attack but a punishment for going back in time.

"You spoke of these time wraiths before along with the Black Flash, formerly one of your enemies known as Zoom,", the genius detective recalled the underlings that targeted speedsters that messed with the timeline.

"Yeah, but the Black Flash is gone. When Killer frost shattered him into itty bitty pieces.", Cisco reminded him.

"The mark, a scythe, connotations of Death or a reaper comes to mind. Maybe a Speedster of Death that hunts down other speedsters?", Sherloque finished as Barry widened his eyes in shock.

"Is that possible?", Ralph asked the other members.

"We saw what the speedforce did to Zoom, it's not impossible.", Joe said to the others as he recalled what the time wraiths did to the former villain many years ago.

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