There are no Heroes.

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3rd POV:

During the age of Heroes, there are always those forced to live on the side lines, either too scared to step up or too weak to face their next challenge. This, however, is not true for our protagonist: Y/n L/n. As he stands in a coffee shop, taking customer orders and talking to other members of staff, his warm smile hides his cold past as he greets the next customer.

Rather than studying to become a hero like others his age Y/n abandoned that dream, not that he ever wanted to become one anyway, his h/c coloured hair moving slightly in the wind as the door to the shop opened.

"Y/n, your shift ended an hour ago. What are you still doing here?", a tired male voice broke the teen from his monotonous routine. the source of the voice came from an old man, his wispy white hair shined in the sun as he walked closer to the boy it was clear that he was a former hero from the large scars that decorated his arms and his fairly muscular build.

"Sorry, Mr Wein. Guess I just lost track of time.", Y/n replied as he left the till and followed the old man into the staff room behind the counter.

"I appreciate the help but you need time to yourself too. Are you still adamant about not going to a Hero school?", Mr Wein asked with a slight bit of hope in his tone.

All the teen did was smile as he shook his head, "No, I'll just go to a normal school instead. Heroes nowadays only care about one thing. One person isn't going to change that.", Y/n replied not moving from his decision.

Mr Wein could only sigh in defeat as he watched the teen leave the room and exit the shop. As Y/n walked along the streets of Musutafu, the sight of heroes in their hundreds patrolling the area around him. There was one thing that the boy noticed, despite the fact that there were heroes everywhere, there were still villains and passive bystanders allowing suffering to grow like an unstoppable virus and what did the heroes do?

Nothing. They just let the suffering continue after all its what keeps these saviours paid, Y/n stopped at the sound of a slight buzzing noise, on his right hand was a watch, its digital screen flashing a dull f/c alerting the boy as he muttered to himself, "Finally, I hate this stupid drawback.", and with that he continued towards his destination turning the alarm off.

Sometime later, Y/n finally arrives at his destination which is an old warehouse on the edge of the city. As he stepped inside the warehouse there were large weights, giant rusted metal chains and other pieces of scrap metal strewn about the place. But there was something off about it, Y/n paused as he still held onto the door handle to the warehouse, waiting for something to happen and it did.

A large hulking body stepped out of the darkness, it had pitch black skin with large red slash marks across its body. The unknown figure had beige shorts and skull faced knee pads. Its most noticeable feature was its head, an exposed brain with bulging eyes and a yellow beak.

"The Nomu from the news?", Y/n recognised the figure as he recalled the news from earlier today, which described the creature as a weapon used by villains to kill All might and went missing during their inevitable clash as the USJ.


The Nomu began to run at the teen who let go of the handle and walked calmly towards the rampaging beast.

Slipping off his watch and pocketing it the boy began to transform and morph: his skin began to turn into a cool grey, his body began to get bulkier tearing his T-shirt to shreds, rivaling the size of the Nomu, his arms were being covered by black scales that emerged from his fingers and climbed up his arms eventually stopping at his shoulders.

A/n: Damage from DC

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A/n: Damage from DC. Just imagine hair and not bald.

When the two beings were face to face their fists clashed. The result forced the Nomu to be flung back to the far end of the warehouse as the windows were shattered by the force, inevitably alerting those outside.

The now transformed Y/n sighed, "This is not how I wanted this evening to go.", as he charged at the Nomu who stood back up and ran at him again.

This time Y/n grabbed the monster's oncoming fist and threw him towards the entrance of the warehouse, watching as the Nomu skidded across the concrete forcing its skin to tear apart exposing the muscled sinew beneath as its right arm was barely hanging on before its regeneration kicked in and healed the monster.

In the distance sirens could be heard along with a light tapping on the rooftop. Y/n noticed this but stayed focused on the Nomu that grabbed a rusted pipe beside him. Accepting this new challenge Y/n grabbed the large chain and wrapped one end around his left hand.

"Lets do this then you ugly piece of shit.", Y/n grinned as the Nomu charged once again, swinging his new weapon wildly. 

With one hard throw from his left hand the chain followed and struck the metal pipe out of the Nomu's hand. Y/n then expertly controlled the chain to wrap around the Nomu's neck and pulled the behemoth closer to him. Allowing him to rain a hail of fists into the Nomu as it struggled to escape from its captor.

With one final punch the Nomu crashed through the entrance of the warehouse and onto the streets where a few heroes had arrived at the scene with a local police car. Before the Nomu could get his bearings Y/n leapt from the inside of the building and landed on the abomination burying it into the ground, raising his black scaled arms above his head he swiftly brought them down onto the Nomu creating an explosion of dust in his wake.

As the dust settled Y/n stood above the beast its body no longer regenerating, damaged beyond repair with its head buried into the ground. The heroes stepped back in slight fear, Death arms and Kamui woods to name a few.

"You! Stop there!", an officer shouted at Y/n who began to walk into the warehouse. Y/n remained undeterred by this and only looked up.

Eraser head's POV:

He saw me.

Following a noise complaint at a warehouse, I decided to follow. But I didn't expect this to happen, someone strong enough to beat the Nomu that even All Might struggled against.

This same person looked up at me from the crater, his large form rivalling the number 1. I activated my quirk, it still hurt my eyes but I need to see if we could arrest this vigilante.

Unfortunately, it didn't. The figure grinned as he looked behind him to the approaching heroes, before I could warn them the man jumped. Shattering the ground as he fled from the scene, a shockwave knocking down those closest to the man. 

All I could do was watch as the man fled the scene, leaping over buildings and disappearing into the night. 

A/n: Done!! I wanted to do a different MHA story rather than having the character wanting to be a hero or being a vigilante being captured then enrolled into UA. This one would be entirely different. 

If you guys don't know who Damage is, he is like the hulk but he can only be Damage and has full control of this persona  for 1 hour then becomes human for the next 23 hours until he can transform again. I think it works for this idea as Y/n would be viewed as quirkless and only be able to use his quirk for an hour. 

Tell me what you guys thought of this idea? 

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