Attack on Homeworld.

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Y/n's POV:

Moving to Beach city was probably the best idea I ever made, definitely better than living the rest of my life in fear underground. Here, I feel like I can make a positive difference let's just hope I can use my abilities better than just being a lab experiment.

Ah, the fresh saltwater air, the amazing scenery and the explosions heard off in the distance...

Explosions? Maybe I should go check that out. As I'm running across the beach towards the cliff face I come across a large female statue holding what seems to be a beach house. On the beach were a group of four people: a tall red skinned Afro haired woman with giant gauntlets, a pale skinny ballerina dressed woman with some sort of spear, a short purple woman with a whip and finally a short boy dressed in a red shirt and shorts with sandals holding some sort of energy based shield with a rose pattern on it.

The group, whoever they were, were fighting against what I could only describe as a giant dinosaur more specifically a spinosaurus with large crystal spires protruding along its back. The group were struggling to even avoid its attacks let alone leave a scratch on it, "They're gonna lose if this keeps up.", I mutter to myself before sighing.

"I can't believe I'm gonna do this.", I say as I look down at my ring on my right hand on the face of the ring is a sharp spike turning the face of the ring around to my palm and make a fist. I clench my teeth as I'm overcome with pain and hear the familiar roar of thunder.

Steven's POV:


Turning away from the gem monster I spot yellow lightning striking from behind the cliff near the donut shop suddenly I heard Pearl shouting at me.

"Steven! Watch out!", she shouts as I turn back to see the tail of the gem creature coming right at me. Before I can move I can feel myself being picked up but it wasn't by Garnet or Amethyst, I found myself in something's palm. Turning around I realised I was held by a giant man, red and white, but I've never seen the gems fuse into this.

" Steven!", I heard Garnet shout from below

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" Steven!", I heard Garnet shout from below.

"I- I'm okay!" I shout back. The man that was holding me suddenly created a large white sword in his free hand and swung it at the gem creature, I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched the blade slice through it so easily before there was a sudden crash and a poof as the creature returned to its green and purple dotted gem.

The man seemed surprised by this as if they had never seen a gem monster before, I could hear the gems rush over and shout at the large man, who was probably around 30 feet tall, as they tried to attack him but he seemed unaffected by their assault. He sighed before lowering the hand I was in and placing me back onto the ground.

Pearl was the first to rush over to me and check for injuries, "Steven! Are you ok! It didn't hurt you did it?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm glad he saved me, I didn't know there were other gems on Earth.", I replied optimistically to the gems but Garnet and Pearl looked apprehensive as they eyed the towering figure who now kneeled down towards us.

"What are you?", the being asked in a low voice. To say the gems were shocked was an understatement, Garnet was silent but I could notice that her posture gave her away that she was worried, Pearl was speechless as her jaw hung loosely and Amethyst held a huge grin as she looked up to the figure.

"Shouldn't that be our question?", Pearl asked as she broke out of her stupor.

The being hummed before there was another flash of yellow lightning and a giant cloud of steam replaced the figure pushing us, except Garnet, away from the immense heat. As it settled what replaced it was a guy dressed in a black leather jacket with a (f/c) shirt, jeans and black combat boots. He seemed to be around 20 years old. He had a scar across his left (e/c) eye from the end of his eyebrow and diagonally down towards his nose.

The man brushed away his short (h/c) away from his eyes and raised his left hand for a handshake towards the gems and I giving a smile, "Nice to meet you, the name's Y/n and I'm a human.", he spoke shocking us.

"A- A human?!", Pearl shouted leaving Y/n with his hand still raised awkwardly.

Garnet was the one that took charge as she walked over to Y/n and shook his hand with a smile, "Nice to meet you too Y/n, I am Garnet and thank you for saving Steven."

"Garnet? Like the stone?", he asked slightly confused.

"A gem, that's what we are.", she replied motioning over to Amethyst, Pearl and I.

"I don't think I've heard of a gem named Steven though.", Y/n commented causing Amethyst to laugh.

"Steven's a hybrid of a human and a gem.", Pearl had cut in this time. As Y/n gave a silent oh, "You're clearly not a normal human.", Pearl said as she gave a judgemental stare.

"I suppose but I doubt I have any reason to tell you do I?", Y/n shot back with a grin at Pearl as Amethyst continued laughing in the background.

"Well, I best be going now. See you.", Y/n said as he waved us goodbye disappearing from view.

"Ugh! The nerve of that human. What ever he is I'll make it my mission to find out.", Pearl said with a determined look.

"Not now, he seems new here since he didn't know us. It would be best not to fight him. He can clearly overpower us, I don't want to test our fusions against him either.", Garnet said as she bubbled the gem and walked back to the temple.

"I wonder how he did that though. It was like he made a weapon out of thin air!", I shouted.

"It was like he summoned that lightning to create the form, giving himself energy perhaps?", Pearl theorised as she followed after Garnet.

I hope we get to see him again....

A/n: short oneshot. Thoughts? Surprised I didn't find any similar stories with Titans in SU with fusions that are massive I thought having a Titan would be a cool story to make. Chose the warhammer Titan since it can make weapons.

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