The Jensaarai and The Clone Wars.

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(A/n: in this story the attack of Dathomir will already happen way before the start of the clone wars.)

Ventress' POV:

"You have failed me Ventress.", my master Count Dooku speaks to me through a hologram. I'm bowing slightly as I cradle my son in my arms, I betrayed the sith and fell in love giving birth to my son Y/n unlike other male zabraks on Dathomir Y/n has blue skin. His most notable feature is the fact that he has one sith eye comprised of red and yellow and one (e/c) eye, he is very strong in the force but doesn't belong to either the light or dark side of the force.

"You will either dispose of the child or your planet will suffer a greater punishment.", He threatens causing me to grip onto my child tighter. "I sense you have already chosen, very well your planet it is...", he finishes as the hologram cuts away.

I turn to Mother Talsin, "I'm sorry mother I cannot let go of my child.", I tell her as Y/n brushes his hand on my cheek reaching for me.

She smiles at this interaction between us, "We were going to be betrayed sooner or later when working for the sith, with this we can evacuate as many of us as we can. We shall have our revenge, hide deep in the catacombs there is a hidden garden you will be safe there.", mother finishes lifting her right index finger over Y/n as he grasps it a light green energy comes from mother and enters into Y/n.

"A gift that he shall awaken in the future, for now you must go we shall stall them.", Mother Talsin turns to the rest of my sisters as they all bow and begin their duties.

I head to the Garden that is hidden in the catacombs making sure the entrance is cut off so that those droids can't find me.  Eventually I enter the Garden to find it full of lush fruits and artificial sunlight. I can feel the deaths of my sisters in the force and I notice that Y/n can feel them too as he begins to lightly sob, I cradle him in my arms hushing him and soon enough I can hear his soft breathing as he falls asleep. I begin to use the force to construct a temporary home, for now I should focus on Y/n then I need to find him a good teacher in both aspects of the force.

3rd POV:

It has been two years since the destruction of Dathomir and the cries of suffering is now replaced with laughter and joy. Ventress has now embraced being a mother to Y/n who has excelled in the force despite his young age of 3 years old still being too young to speak properly, only using 4 to 5 words, he instead is able to communicate with his mother through the force such a feat would be something considered to be on the level of a master.

Right now, Ventress had decided that it would be best to leave this husk of a planet and look for a new home for the two of them. After building a ship she and her son fly off into the depths of space with Ventress at the controls and her son Y/n sitting happily in her lap.

 After building a ship she and her son fly off into the depths of space with Ventress at the controls and her son Y/n sitting happily in her lap

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A/n: the ship. Thrusters at the back cockpit at the front.

"Mama.", Y/n spoke getting his mother's attention.

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