One of Many.

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3rd POV:


The tapping of shoes echoed along the polished concrete floor of the grey hallway, a man dressed in an all black suit with a white shirt and black tie continued to walk past glass cases that held mysterious and ancient artefacts until finally the man stopped at a door. However, this was no normal door it was a large steel vault door with a large clockwork like mechanism sitting where a wheel would be.

The man then pulled out an odd looking metallic device and pushed it into a hole that held its impression before turning the device and stepping away. The cogs on the vault door began to move in reaction removing the large bars of metal from the frame made up of layers of concrete until it opened to reveal a room within it.

On the left side of the room was what seemed to be a gun range suited for one person, the targets filled with holes and dents making them almost unrecognisable on what they once were. To the right, it looked like a normal bedroom while also holding a sofa that faced a collection of tv's all of different sizes.

Towards the back of the room behind the assortment of screens grunting could be heard before a loud heavy thud as a large pair of dumbbells rolled across the floor and towards the suited man.

"What we hunting?", a young male's voice asks in the shadows as what looked like a red skinned arm reached out and grabbed a towel that was hanging nearby.

"We don't know yet.", the man replied as he pulled out a newspaper from his inside pocket jacket and threw it towards the darkness.

"Bear attacks hikers? Doesn't sound like we're needed.", the voice commented as rustling of paper could be heard.

"Read what happened to the victims.", the man said in a knowing tone.

"Hmm, torn apart... missing body parts. How old is this?"

"We got word of it yesterday. They want to send you there to investigate before this gets too out of hand.", the man explained.

A sigh could be heard, "Fine, should be a quick job for the team-", the young voice began before being cut off.

"It's just gonna be you this time, you'll be enrolled into the school there."

"School? What sort of school would accept someone that looks like me?", the voice said as they stepped into the light to show a boy that looked around 17 years of age with short black hair. His most noticeable features were his bright red skin that seemed to be engraved with swirls around the shoulders, two flat crimson disks that seemed to protrude from his forehead, an arrow tipped tail and what should have been a normal right hand was replaced with a large red gauntlet made out of some sort of stone.

"You'll see, the truck is waiting for you so get your stuff ready. We already have your case in the trunk. Who knows maybe you'll enjoy your time there.", the man said before leaving the room and the vault door open as the young man looked at the newspaper.


The young red skinned boy was now seen outside of what seemed to be a large governmental building that stood alone only surrounded by grassland, he was wearing black cargo trousers, combat boots, a white T-shirt that showed his muscles and an open beige trench coat, dragging a large suitcase behind him with his stone-like hand.

"Y/n! You got everything?", the same suited man asked as the now identified boy picked up the suitcase as if it had weighed nothing before walking towards what seemed to be an armoured black truck that held a unique insignia of a hand holding a sword on the doors of the vehicle.

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