Introducing the Indo-Dragon.

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A/n: This story was inspired by AxeTheRat04 Jurassic world story so I thought I'd give it a try.

Dr Wu's POV:

As I was looking over the many files we had made since starting the theme park of Jurassic World, a silly name but a great place for my experiments, I was greeted by Mr Masrani as he entered my office beside the labs that looked over the egg cultivators.

"We need a new attraction.", he ordered as he sat in front of my desk.

I sighed, "I am already working on the Indominus Rex that you have requested but you want more?", I questioned.

"You are right I am asking a lot of you but isn't there something that everyone would want to see more than Dinosaurs and wouldn't you want to be the first to make that possible?", he asked me. This intrigued me as I leaned forward on my desk, "Go on."

He had caught me, "When you think of giant winged lizards in mythology what are your first thoughts?", he asked me as my eyes widened in realisation.

"Dragons. You want a dragon.", I realised as he nodded.

"Wouldn't it be a spectacular achievement if the famous Dr Wu had made a Dragon?", Mr Masrani asked I couldn't help but think of how it would thrust my work centuries into the future of development.

"Can it be done?", He asked me.

"It will take some time but should be made by the time we have made the raptors.", I informed him as I typed up a new file for the first original creation.

"Good. I can't wait to see it.", and with that, he left.

Turning to the screen I began to look over the many DNA sequences we had on file, "This is not enough, he wants a dragon right out of mythology. It'll need more than just Dinosaur DNA for it to be a success.", I finished as I got up and left my office to begin my new project.


6 months later:

It is now time for the new eggs to hatch, Owen the raptor trainer, Claire and myself are waiting for the eggs to hatch when Claire notices a 5th egg this one slightly larger and a warm orange colour.

"I thought you said there were only 4 raptors?", she asked as Owen also noticed the new egg.

"Yes, Mr Masrani had given me another project to work on.", I explained as Claire nodded until we heard the eggs beginning to crack as the raptors began to emerge from their shells.

With the raptors now imprinted onto their trainer it was now a mater of time before the project hatches as well. The plan is for Owen to train it alongside the others until it has matured.


The three of us turn to the larger egg as a piece of the eggshell falls off to reveal a small red scaled arm with black talons as it begins to break free of its natural prison before the rest of the shell explodes to reveal the Indo-Dragon. It stands there on its four legs still shaking slightly, mostly red with a white underbelly stretching from its tail to its jaw, it has two small wings on its back not large enough yet to help it with flight, it's most noticeable feature are the two large black horns that curve and point forward towards its snout. It opens its f/c eyes as it scans its surroundings.

"Is that a-", Owen begins before being cut off by Claire.

"Dragon", she says in amazement. I couldn't help but smile at my accomplishment I was stuck in my own world that I didn't notice the creature walk slowly towards us as Claire walked towards it as well.

I was only broken out of my train of thoughts when the project gave a short yet loud huff as I turned to see it facing Claire instead of Owen.

"Looks like she likes you.", Owen commented.

"He.", I corrected as the two looked at me in slight shock.

"I thought you could only produce females.", Claire asked.

"Yes, that was the case but as this is going to be a new species it was decided that he would need to be able to mate with other dinosaurs that were used in his construction. We unfortunately cannot create a female to be his mate.", I explained.

"Hmm, maybe I should give him a name then... how about Y/n?", she asked the small creature as it lightly nipped at her fingers seemingly pleased.

Y/n's POV:

"Y/n?! Are you there!?", I heard mother call out to me in the distance close to the wall of my home.

I opened my eyes to see the all too familiar environment of my nest: large trees spread out in every direction as they circled me, my bed made up of soft golden grass, the collection of boulders on the right side of my nest that I use to scratch the unreachable parts of my back and of course the... what did mother call it again? Glass dome? That allowed me to look outside. My nest was close to what mother refers to as a volcano which helps to keep me warm.

"Y/n!!", she called again.

Deciding to not keep mother waiting any longer I stood up from my nest, stretching my immature wings as I stood on all fours. Soon I was able to pick up mother's scent which was a mixture of honey and flowers and begin to walk through the all too familiar path to the edge of my nest.

"There you are.", mother sighed as she stood on the ground by the white wall. Mother was small but despite her size she was fierce and strong. There were others like mother but they were cowardly and pathetic in comparison.

*huff*, I huffed out as smoke left my nose before I leaned down to meet mother's eyes as she began to approach me.

Her small hand brushed against my red scales on my nose, then moving up along my snout to my brow before jumping to my black horns. Mother smiled as she did this and despite not being able to smile myself I felt... happy.


A/n: how was that for an introduction? Honestly surprised that there were no dragon in Jurassic world/ park stories so I made one. In this you are the Indo-dragon and it would mainly focus on your experience as a new species in Jurassic world.

Thoughts? Would you want to see this as a separate story?

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