MCU's Ranger.

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3rd POV:

"I'm sorry pal but I'm going to have to give up being a Ranger. I hope that somewhere you can find someone worthy to take your power.", an old man croaked as he laid in a hospital bed holding an unusual gold coin.

In the man's final moments he brushed his thumb against the coin as it slowly turned into small golden particles and disappeared.

Soon enough however that same coin is floating through the depths of space before it began to shoot through the vacuum like a comet and straight into a black hole.


The coin reappears watching over a back alley fight between a large man and a small skinny one.

"I can do this all day.", the skinny one comments.

The coin hesitated at that moment as it then left the area.


It has been quite some time since the coin saw anything worthy of it and it was about to leave this planet before it heard a shout of pain and frustration catching its attention.

"Damn it! What did I forget to do this time?!", a male teenager's voice yelled out. The coin looked through an open window of a garage to see the (h/c) haired boy working on what seemed to be a metal gauntlet which was now smoking from the knuckles.

The boy sighed before he deconstructed the white gauntlet laying out all the parts in front of him. He was about to continue until there was a sudden bang on the garage door. Looking outside the boy saw a smaller boy hunched up against the door surrounded by three other boys who were much larger and bulkier than the former.

The teenager was about to return to his project until something within him was sparked and he rushed out the garage scaring the four boys.

"Hey! Leave him alone!", the teenager shouted. The group of three were about to retaliate before a bulky boy on the left recognised the teenager.

"H-hey, I- I know you.", the bulky bully started, " you're that L/n guy. The one that won that martial arts tournament and aced the science fair last year.", he spoke stepping back in slight fear.

"Yeah, I am. So why don't you stop bullying my friend and scurry out of here.", all the bullies could do was hurriedly nod as they then scampered away.

Next the teenager referred to as L/n approached the smaller boy and picked him up to his feet brushing off any dust that was on the boy's clothes.

"There you go all clean. So, you got a name?", he kindly asked the boy who now nodded as he replied.

"P-Peter Parker.",Peter replied.

"Well Peter what you doing round here? It's pretty late shouldn't your parents have picked you up from school a few hours ago. If you're lost you can use my phone to call them.", L/n tried to reassure the boy who only looked to be around 11 years of age now looking at him.

All Peter could do was nod as L/n handed his phone over to Peter and not too long after was a car parked by the curb as a middle aged brown haired woman stepped out.

"Peter, I've been so worried where have you been?!", she said with clear worry as Peter now began to shake.

"Sorry to interrupt but when I came across Peter he was crowded by three older bullies.", L/n defended the child.

After realising the misunderstanding between them, Peter got back into the car with the woman who thanked the Teen before the car drove off into the distance.

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