A power you wouldn't understand.

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3rd POV:

"Director.", a male voice called to a man facing two holographic screens.

"What is it Agent Coulson?", the deeper voice of the Director answers. His black coat swaying as he turns to face the suit and tie agent.

"The pod has been moved to the lab by your request but are you sure it was a good idea to remove it from its previous location.", the Agent questions.

" I understand that it was difficult to remove the pod from its previous resting site as the altered plant life had fought back but after receiving some scans something or someone is inside that pod.", the Director starts.

"After collecting samples from the plant life that surrounds the pod they have similar traces to Erskine's serum which brings forth the theory that the pod is of alien origin.", he explains to the agent raising his head from the screen in front of him.

The Director walks past the agent heading towards the prison cell the meet their new guest

Elsewhere something awakens within the pod:

Elsewhere something awakens within the pod:

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A/n: just the pod. Imagine it in the lab on the Helicarrier.

The being within the pod thinks to himself, 'I am not where I'm supposed to be... this place holds no resemblance to the chamber and where are my roots?', the being's thoughts are broken once he sees three people enter the room. The glass on his pod only letting him see their silhouettes.

"Fury, what's with this pod in the middle of the lab?", the first figure speaks.

"I want you and Dr Banner to find out how to open it, there is something in there and I want to find out what. Shield has scanned it and the elements are not from Earth.", Fury replies.

"A- Are you sure that's a smart idea? What if whatever is in there attacks us?", the Doctor stutters.

"It will give you something to do when you have figured out where the Teseract is.", Fury answers before turning and leaving the lab.

"I can't believe it, my first day here and he's already set us homework.", Tony sighs, making his way to the pod tapping lightly on the glass. "What do you think is in there?"

"My guess would be an alien the question should be what will happen once it's out.", Banner turns to look at the pod as well. He notices two small golden rings on the bottom left side of the pod. "It seems to be some type of cryo chamber if there were pipes connected to the pod before it was moved here I'm surprised the thing inside hasn't awoken yet.", he concludes facing Tony. Slowly the two look at each other and begin to move away from the possibly dangerous pod.

It's been a few days since the arrival of the pod.

Currently the members of the avengers are in the lab arguing with each other unaware that they are being influenced by the sceptre. The being in the pod notes the sudden change, 'I didn't think one of the infinity stones would be here already. The humans have been affected by the stone so quickly.', an explosion rocks the room breaking the glass and flinging the pod to the back of the room.

Y/n's POV:

I've regained enough of my strength to be able to move and start to absorb the abundance of cosmic energy around me, drawing it from the sceptre. Soon enough the pod that I'm in opened, the room is empty currently so I make my way to the window behind the weapon. 'Hmm, it's a shame the humans didn't take any of my weapons with them although I doubt they would be able to lift them.', hearing a roar coming from somewhere close to my location I begin to sprint to the site. Running on the walls and jumping through narrow spaces to get closer.

The containment suit is working perfectly despite how long I have been frozen inside the pod, the white that covers most of the suit accompanied by the golden accents that line it shine in the artificial light. The right of my arm being more skeletal and golden mirroring the white of the containment suit on my left. Making it to the origin of the roars I come across a giant green beast unlike any infested I have seen combatting it is a blonde haired Asgardian, 'I wonder how King Bor is?', I ponder.

I decide to step in by slamming my left foot onto the ground hard. From my foot sprout organic infested black tendrils with bright (f/c) spores shooting towards the beast slowing it down and drawing its attention to me. It begins to slowly charge towards me reeling its fist back before punching me through multiple walls to a circular room where another Asgardian stands.

"What are you?", he asks

Seeing as he has been imprisoned I move slowly to the glass that separates us before carving into it. His eyes slowly widen in fear at the realisation of what is in front of him. Once his realisation hits him he collapses to his knees not daring to look up at me.

"I'm terribly sorry, Infested one, I had no idea that the Tenno were on Earth. I thought they all disappeared after the Paradox.", he spoke. He knows of the Tenno, good, I was worried that we were forgotten. I suppose Bor kept to his promise after all.

Looking down at him I begin to turn and leave turning back to see his still trembling form I return to the "lab" to look over my pod, finding what I was looking for I leapt out of the window and crashed to the ground and began my journey to my former resting chamber.

Fury's POV:

"Director, I believe we found out what was in the pod after all.", Agent Hill approached me with a tablet.

Looking down at the screen it was a recording of the prison cell where Loki was held. Off to the side was someone approaching the cell. The camera was able to get a scan of what the being had scratched onto the glass and along with what Loki had said this being is something called a "Tenno" or more specifically "The Infested one".

At least this had cleared one suspicion was that whatever was inside the pod was of alien origin

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At least this had cleared one suspicion was that whatever was inside the pod was of alien origin. The question was where is it now.

I was quickly distracted when a quinjet was seen leaving and heading towards New York.

"They've found him"

A/n: this was a little shorter as I had the idea but didn't know how to start it so yes you are Nidus Prime from Warframe. Ta dah!!

Umm I might focus more on my SU book for a while you never know.

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