How to train your Kaiju!

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3rd POV:

Deep beneath the sea of the Archipelago something mystifying was taking place, a crack of the planet's crust showing a deep gorge of molten magma met the cold blue depths. Suddenly lightning began to spark between the two elements until what looked to be some sort of rift begin to form.

Then a giant dark beige clawed arm emerged from the rift, the rest of its body emerging a few moments later before it almost completely vanished as it swam through the darkness. The only thing visible were specks of blue light that seemed to dot the unknown creature's body.

Elsewhere, on one of the many islands that dotted the sea was a lone Viking boy. This Viking was no older than 16, as he sat on the edge of the cliff staring at the vast night sky, his h/c hair swaying slightly in the wind.

"*sigh* It's moments like these that make you feel so small.", the boy said to himself. The island the boy was in was void of any life, at first one would wonder how a boy would end up in such a place but unfortunately this was young Y/n's life. A life of solitude.

Or is it?

Off in the distance a large black mass swam beneath the surface of the sea creating slight waves as it swam closer and closer to the lone island, to the boy who was sat on the edge of the cliff facing the sea. 

"What is that?", Y/n finally took notice of the mass, not yet able to discern what the creature was only able to see a few blue lights emanating from above.

Until suddenly there was a giant explosion of sea water that erupted at the bottom of the cliff, Y/n stepped back in fright as he fearfully watched a giant three clawed limb grab onto the rough cliff face followed by a second limb that pulled up the rest of the large mass.

The head of the creature, pointed spires split at the nose with large white sharp teeth, it's piercing electric blue eyes focusing on the small being in front of it.

It snorted at the boy almost blowing him off his feet as it did so

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It snorted at the boy almost blowing him off his feet as it did so. Despite its huge stature it seemed rather peaceful, so peaceful that Y/n felt drawn to it.

"What sort of dragon are you?", he asked as he stepped closer to the snout of the beast, reaching his hand out towards the slightly glowing blue mouth.

The beast, whatever it was, was also curious of the boy and moved its head closer to his hand allowing the boy to touch its scaled snout. It closed its eyes, as Y/n grazed his hand along the scales before pulling his hand back causing the beast to open its eyes.

"Well, whatever you are I'm sure you probably have a family to go back to.", the boy said to the creature in a sad tone. As if understanding the boy the creature moved its head from side to side in a No like motion.

"You don't? You're like me.", Y/n looked up at the beings eyes as they glowed a calming blue, "What do you say we live together? Two outcasts are better than one right?", he asked as he reached his hand out once again.

There was a low grumble coming from the beasts mouth before it accepted the deal and moved its head closer to the boy once again.

A/n: short I know but this was just an idea from the top of my head. Otachi from Pacific rim in Httyd.

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