Infiltration: FALIURE.

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Natasha's POV:

"Agent Romanoff, I have a mission for you.", Fury called from the darkness. Stepping out he wore dark shaded sunglasses a simple green hoodie and jeans. It had only been a few weeks since the collapse of SHIELD and Hydra, I took residence at the new Avengers tower with the rest of the team, there were still boxes here and there stuff being moved in and out of the new base.

"Is it Avengers level?", I warily asked. He chuckled, "No, it's above their pay grade. I want you to take a look at this file.", he said pulling said file out of his pocket and sliding it across the table in front of me. Picking it up I began to scan the documents, it seemed basic at first but then things didn't add up. Looking at what I presumed was the target was an interesting thing, "Y/n Wick?", 'I feel like I've head that name before', Fury noticed my struggle.

"You would've heard of him during your early Shield days, you encountered him as well, he's more commonly known by his nickname.", he answered.

Looking at his photo again it clicked, his pale skin, his (h/c) hair and his experienced (e/c) eyes, I realised who he was now. Fury seemed to catch on to my realisation, "He's been active recently, taking out Dictators, Generals and Terrorists. We know the organisation known as the High Table that organise assassins around the world. What I want you to do is find him.", he finished. What?

"Fury, I don't think that's a good plan. The last time I encountered him he caught me out of a crowd of people and I couldn't track him afterwards." The memory of him had given me nightmares and he fell off the grid a few months after. But I knew I had no choice, a mission is a mission. So I began to get ready and headed to the location in the file, luckily it was just a few blocks away from the tower.

Y/n's POV:

I just returned to the Continental after an assignment in Queens, taking out an old Mafia ring that was causing some havoc while snooping where they shouldn't. As I walk through the reception I get a few stares from some of the other members as I made my way to the desk.

"Happy hunt Mr Wick?", Charion spoke with a slight smile at his words.

"It could have been better, anything happened during my leave?", I asked. Usually when I'm out something happens at the hotel or within the area, this new cautiousness had occurred when the invasion of New York had happened. Sometimes it's nothing, other times...

"Yes sir, your suit has been delivered to its room along with a few requested cutlery. Also it seems you have an admirer.", he finished. Although I did catch that last part an admirer can be one of two things, either it is a client or someone that doesn't belong here.

"Thank you Charion, I'll go to my room first. Tell the admirer to meet me at the bar.", dropping a gold coin onto the desk and making my way to the elevator to the right. After changing into a cleaner suit with less blood stains and made my way to the bar, walking past a few acquaintances nodding to them as a sign of respect and shaking a few others hands.

As soon as I entered I spotted my admirer, who would have thought it was the famous black widow, the first time I encountered her she must have been a rookie. I wonder what her reaction will be this time around.

A/n: bit of a shorter oneshot. I've got 1 more MCU idea then I'll be going to DC. After that I'm not sure I've got some ideas for Harry Potter so that'll probably be the next afterwards. I won't always say what's next this'll just be for now.

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