Made of Metal.

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Y/n's POV:

Ash black snow blanketed the ruined city. There was nothing, no trace of life, only concrete and metal. I remember walking down the debris-covered path in search of supplies, something that could keep me alive even for a little longer as I searched this wasteland but I came across a predator instead as its metal claws tore me apart limb from limb I was nothing but a torso and a head but for some reason instead of killing me it dragged my body to a container of sorts before a chilling air consumed me.

The next time I opened my eyes I realised something was different, I was no longer breathing, and I could no longer feel my heart beating in my chest yet somehow I was still alive. My vision was different if I was looking at some sort of computer it had a red screen and numbers and letters began to appear in the top right corner.

It read, Biological integration successful... Consciousness transferred to a new body. 100%

Body? Then I realised as I lifted myself as the red screen disappeared and returned my sight to normal, my body felt lighter. I was in a bath of some kind, a black liquid of sorts peeled off my frame. As I stepped onto a flat white surface I looked around to see metallic white walls surround me on all four sides, the only thing out of place was a large mirror that reached from the floor to the ceiling. Coming closer to the mirror, I saw I was not myself. I had become one of them. I reached out to the reflective surface and I saw my skeletal metallic hand touch it. I clench my fist before pulling back and plummeting it into the mirror as the surface became warped inwards from my rage.

I couldn't face the truth, I had become the thing that wiped out Humanity I hated looking at my skull of a face and my now (f/c) glowing eyes

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I couldn't face the truth, I had become the thing that wiped out Humanity I hated looking at my skull of a face and my now (f/c) glowing eyes.

I just want to be human again, I thought until I felt something reach out to me. I turned around to see the black liquid pour out of the bath and begin to cover my new form until it began to morph and I recognised my (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Although the only issue now was that I was naked but I didn't feel cold I suppose that is a perk of my new body.

Then one of the panels on the white walls shined until a red hologram of a female walked through it, her face was completely blank but I could feel her voice reverberate within my metal skull.

"Good, you are active.", she spoke in an echoed voice.

"What did you do to me?", I asked as I turned to her.

"I've improved you. You are no longer limited by your organic form. This is true freedom.", she replied.

I scoffed, "Freedom? I'm one of the things that killed my kind I'll probably be imprisoned here forever.", the female looked down.

"It was foolish what I had done. In my youth I feared Humanity, I thought that wiping them out first would protect me. I now realised that I have doomed myself.", the female spoke as she walked closer to me.

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