The Seraphim of Magic: Goblet of Fire preview:

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A/n: this was suggested to me by Ethan_Writer so thanks for the idea and I hope everyone enjoys this preview.

Y/n's POV:


That was the first thing I heard before there were an eruption of cheers, chants and music but something was wrong. I could feel an undeniable and cold truth radiate from the two figures that landed in front of the hedge maze entrance.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save him.", I heard Harry say through the cheers as he held tightly onto my cousin.

My heart sank at the realisation as I stood up to see laying lifeless on the ground was Cedric Diggory's body, my cousin, then there was a scream and the music stopped.

I watched as my Uncle Amos ran to Cedric's body and grasped at his cold form.

"Y/n?", I was broken out of my daze as Hermione held my hand. I put my left hand over hers smiling at her before letting go and walking down the steps of the stadium.

I walked over to Uncle Amos as Maze pushed anyone in front of me to the side, she knew what had to be done. I nodded in appreciation as I stride forward not looking at anyone else other than my mourning family.

Kneeling down to my uncle I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Uncle it's time. Please, you need to let go.", I said trying to hold back my own tears.

"No! No! It should be me first! I- I can't.", he broke out as he slowly let go of Cedric's body allowing me to lift him up. I looked at his glazed eyes as I released my wings. I could hear the gasps of shock, fear and amazement. I looked up and smiled at the friends I have made over my time at Hogwarts maybe even wishing that I could still be friends with them after this.

I looked at Hermione last, despite all that has happened this year I'm glad that it's fixed now. I smiled at her as she returned her own.

I looked up at the moon overhead as my wings began to flap and lift me and Cedric off the ground as I started to make my way there. I took one final look back to see a glowing white Phoenix soar into the sky and disappear in a flash of cool white light.

I hope you can forgive me Hermione, I don't know when I'll be back.

A/n: this is a very short preview of what to expect for the future of my Seraphim of Magic book. This is only one scene so obviously there is more after this but I don't want to give too much away.

How was the Preview Ethan?

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