The blind Taoist of Themyscira

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Artemis' POV:

I'm on patrol around the shores of Themyscira searching for intruders, as I reach my next post I spot something in the distance. Wandering around looks to be a child, possibly 10 years old, his arms outstretched as if they were searching for something.

I decided to get closer without being spotted by the child, once I was closer to them I noticed the child was in fact a boy taking in his appearance he was not dressed like the other men that had accompanied the Princess during her visits to the Queen. The boy was dressed in (f/c) robes that reached past his legs, he had long (h/c) hair that reached past his shoulders, looking at his face there was a noticeable sword slash that went right where his eyes would have been blood still dripping from his wound onto his clothes. Before suddenly he collapsed onto the ground, I rushed towards the frail boy he was breathing heavily and held a fever I grabbed some loose fabric that was on my armour and began to wrap it to cover his wound.

The Queen should know of this, she'll know what we should do. Quickly I picked up the boy before heading to the palace, my usual calm demeanour was replaced with one of worry 'What's happening to me?', I thought as I looked down at the boy not noticing the guards that I passed as I went to the Queen. Finally making it to her chamber I knocked before she called for me to enter.

"My Queen, I found this injured child wandering one of our shores. He does not look like the men that have visited our Island before.", I addressed to the Queen slightly exhausted from my journey here.

"Oh? I did not think you would care for a boy so much Artemis.", She spoke quizzically.

"I am not heartless my Queen, despite my hatred for men I would not stoop so low as to blind a child.", the Queen turned to me in shock. "Blind?", She asked confused.

"Yes my Queen", I unwrapped the fabric covering his eyes there his still bleeding wound was there for us to see, "- Blind. It is as if he was struck by a sword similar to ours in design. What should we do?", I worriedly asked. There it was again, an emotion I never encountered before but what does it mean. The Queen seemed to have caught on to my sudden change, she spoke to me.

"Artemis, take the boy into my room and place him on the bed. I will treat his wound then I can ask what had happened to him once he wakes up. Then we shall decide his fate.", the Queen decided. For some reason my worry did not vanish as I left her chamber and made my way to the guard house still holding tightly onto the now bloodied fabric that I held in my hand, once inside I removed my armour and clambered into the bed hoping that the boy will make the night. Eventually, the darkness consumed me as I fell asleep at last.

Queen Hippolyta's POV:

I had just finished tending to the boy's wound, where his eyes once were now was a deep gash of red. Unfortunately, he will never be able to see the wonders of this world but as I was about to leave the room I could hear his panicked breathing as he sprung out of the bed his arms reaching for the bandages that covered the wound. I rushed to the boy placing his arms down on his lap before softly speaking to him.

"I would not do that child, your eyes have been cleanly slashed by a sword, could you tell me what monster did this to you?", I asked, It seemed that my poor choice of words had made the boy flinch and he then began to shake.

"I- I'm sorry, she wasn't a monster. S- she was angry b- b- because I brought something home that I shouldn't of.", He stuttered. I could tell that he wanted to cry but I decided to press on. "Who is She?"

"My M- Mother...", His lip was trembling now as he began to shake. How could someone be so evil especially a woman! to blind her own child. My own motherly instincts began to take over, I hugged the shivering boy who at first flinched at my touch and then relaxed into it, "It's ok now, Why don't you tell me your name? I'll start, my name is Hippolyta and I am the Queen of this Island Themyscira.", I softly spoke to him brushing my hand through his hair to calm him.

"I- I'm sorry your Majesty I've never heard of Themyscira b- but my name is Y/n.", he spoke to me politely he clearly has manners. I smiled at him, "Could you tell me more about where you came from Y/n? perhaps we can take you back home?", this had startled him as he began to shake his head.

"N- No!!!!", as soon as he shouted I was suddenly flung back by an unknown force as if the winds of Zeus had pushed against me, I luckily was able to land on my feet as I approached Y/n again. My guards were alerted by the shout and entered my room spears raised, I held my arm back towards them and ushered them out.

"I- I didn't mean to, it was an accident. Don't take me back there, please", he apologised. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said that to you after what you said about your mother. But could you tell me about what you know about your power that pushed me back?", I kindly asked. Y/n nodded before he enthusiastically spoke to me about what he could do. We spoke until the sun began to rise on the horizon, he was exhausted so I told him to rest before going to the throne room telling the guards to bring him some good food when he wakes up and to call for Artemis once he has eaten.

Y/n's POV: (A/N: so in this you are blind so if I say looked it just means you're facing the general direction, if I were to expand on this story you would have a different form of sight but in this its just darkness.)

After I was given some food, which although I couldn't see what it was tasted so much sweeter compared to the food I usually had at home. Once I finished a person entered the room, from the smell of roses from them I presumed it was Queen Hippolyta. This was confirmed when they spoke to me, "Y/n, how was the food? The guards weren't mean to you were they?", she asked me in a soothing tone that was laced in worry. I just shook my head in response, slightly confused by her second question.

"Come Y/n, I'd like you to come see someone. She is the person that found you on the shore.", the Queen stated. Hearing this I got up and swung my legs out of the bed to touch the cold floor I raised my left arm before it was grasped as Hippolyta led me to what I presume was a door. Although, I am now blind I could feel the stares coming off them some of intrigue but others subtle disgust?

We finally stopped and Hippolyta picked me up and rested me on her lap, once I had gotten comfortable I could hear a few gasps and whispers that echoed around the room. I could hear what I presumed was the guards mutter behind me "what a disgusting creature", I turned to them and their mutters stopped.

"Y/n don't listen to them, not everyone but most of my people have a certain hatred towards Men but do not take their words to heart, in time I hope that your presence here will change their views even if it is minor.", Hippolyta spoke to me. I looked up at her nodding before facing forward again, I loosely held onto my now clean robes.

"Artemis, please step forward.", she spoke. I heard a shuffling sound and doors being opened before strong and powerful steps marched towards us before stopping. A new voice spoke now, "Yes my Queen, you summoned me?", this woman spoke with an air of authority and power around her.

"Artemis, this is the boy you saved last night and brought to me when you found him on the shore.", the Queen started, this seemed to have alerted the Artemis woman. "Despite your known distaste for men and their world you showed a kindness that I have only seen in one other person from this Island. As a result of this I have decided that young Y/n will be staying here with us, he will train with us and he will learn with us and you Artemis you will lead him while also learning from him as well."

'Wait What?', I thought.

A/N: Thoughts? How was the blind perspective? Bit more original I thought. One more dc for now then Harry Potter, I definitely want to do a full story of one of the HP ideas I'm just working on the cover for now. Maybe give a follow to stay updated if you like reading my one-shots and check out my SU book as well.

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