Oryx, Protector of Life?

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3rd POV:

The scene opens to a bedroom, the walls are an icy blue and a window sits beside the bed allowing sunlight to peer through its pale curtains, an oak desk is to the right of the bed pencils and torn pieces of paper are strewn across it most likely in frustration.

"Y/N!! Get up! The others are already awake! Someone is here for you!", a female's voice calls out breaking the silence that had filled the room.

There is a stir of movement from the covers before a head pops out from the darkness, a boy possibly 16 with short (h/c) hair. The boy rubs his eyes of sleep they flash an eerie white and black before returning to their usual (e/c). Peeling the overs off the boy begins to get ready for the day, whatever it was meant to be, getting washed and dressed he looked at his desk remembering the previous night frustration was shown in his eyes before the boy picked up his shoulder bag checking its contents and exited his room.

He walked across many similar doors before reaching the stair case that led downstairs, the creaking of the wooden steps alerted others of his presence. A middle aged Caucasian woman with bright orange hair tied in a ponytail was dressed in some jeans that had some multicoloured paints plastered on it and a white t-shirt that held a label on the right side saying " Kathy Rose.", she had both hands on her waist still waiting for the boy to look at her as she impatiently tapped her left foot.

"Y/n what took you so long? Today might be your special day.", She spoke as the boy looked at her solemnly as he replied.

"Sorry miss Rose, I was up late last night drawing but I got frustrated.", Y/n spoke to her.

"Well it happens to the best of us. Lets go see our visitor if you're lucky you might get adopted today.", Miss Rose spoke with confidence as she held her left hand in a fist in the air. As they began to walk together she heard Y/n mutter under his breath.

"What's the point? No one adopts monsters.", Y/n said glumly. "You're not a monster Y/n, I remember when you told me of your nightmare and you showing me your powers, how you were this terrifying creature that consumed planets and civilisations and that in the end you felt yourself die. It sounded too real to be fake but maybe this is your second chance to use that Darkness and transform it into a shield maybe not for you but for what you love.", She concluded as she focused back on their destination.

"Maybe if you see those creatures again you can lead them to a better place?", She spoke with optimism which had caused the boy to laugh.

"I don't think they had thoughts like that.", he said as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"Oh! We're here, Sorry for the wait Miss Rushman. Y/n woke up late.", Kathy spoke to the visitor.

The visitor was dressed in some jeans, a red blouse and a black leather jacket she had short red hair that was cut at the shoulders but for some reason she looked more nervous than anything else. Kathy noticed this nervousness and turned to Y/n who was staring blankly at the new woman.

"Y/n, what have I told you about staring like that.", Kathy told the boy who had replied with a quiet "Not to" before sitting opposite the visitor.

"Sorry Miss Rushman Y/n isn't the most sociable even in the Orphanage but I was surprised when you wanted to adopt him.", Kathy spoke with interest which Y/n had caught as well.

"It's okay, I decided I wanted to have a child of my own but I myself am incapable," Miss Rushman had started, " I saw that Y/n was the oldest in the orphanage and I wanted to give him an opportunity one that I was given when I was his age. I don't want him to be alone especially when the world has already changed so much with heroes and aliens I wanted to help change a life for the better.", Miss Rushman spoke as Kathy began to rub away some tears from her eyes.

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