Starting my Reincarnated life as a Worm?!

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3rd POV:

The scene opens to a dimly lit cavern. The only light coming from a small glowing (f/c) eye from an unusual looking worm. It laid there on the cold stone floor as if it was dead, the only thing to tell that it wasn't was the flickering of light from its eye before it began to blink and look at its surroundings.

"Huh? Where the hell am I?", the worm spoke to itself. "Where are my arms?!", it suddenly shouted before wiggling to a small pond of water.

What looked back at it had truly shocked the worm.

What looked back at it had truly shocked the worm

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"Notice. Due to mutation in reincarnation transfer, user has become an unknown species with a unique set of skills that do not belong in this world.", a raspy yet female voice spoke within the worm's mind

"W- Who said that?", the worm said with slight fear.

"Notice: I am the unique skill known as War Priestess. I will be aiding you in this new world as well as keeping track of your skills.", the voice now known as War Priestess introduced to the worm.

"Oh ok. Umm, what skills do I currently have?", the worm questioned.

"They are as followed:
1. Unique skill: War Priestess. (Passive)
2. Unique skill: Sword Logic - (Passive) a skill that grants you strength after every enemy that has been killed. This can grant evolution to greater species. Limit: Unknown.
3. Unique skill: The Darkness - No information regarding this skill.
These are your current skills.", Priestess informed the worm.

"Hmm, that's not much to work with.", the worm starts before hearing the a distant clatter of stone and metal nearby, "what was that?"

"Notice: it is most likely adventurers within the cavern. Urge for caution.", War Priestess warns the worm in its mind.

Following the advice the worm slithers towards the sound where it sees the body of a human laying on the ground barely breathing with its lower half crushed by rubble. Shouts of reassurance can be heard from the other side of the rubble wall before they get further and further away. Clearly there was no help coming for the trapped person. 

Getting face to face with the human the worm realised that it was a boy no older than 15 years old wearing some heavily damaged leather armour. The rocks that had crushed his legs had finished just above his waist. 

"Notice: Suggest to kill severely weakened target. Possibility of another occurrence is unlikely.", listening to the skill the worm nods with it's singular (f/c) eye moving up and down then refocusing on the boy. Moving closer to the body before using his pincer like tail and piercing straight through the boy's chest ending the boy swiftly. 

The worm moves back a bit before a feeling of warmth surrounds its body as it becomes enveloped in (f/c) and black fire as it begins to morph into a more humanoid yet a more skeletal-like structure of a body made of chitin. Despite it's cracked appearance it was definitely sturdier than it looked. 

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