I am what Humanity fears!

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Y/n's POV:

Another normal day at school, even after aliens invaded New York Humanity has adapted and built itself back up. It's been about a week since the invasion, many lives were lost my parents included during the attack. I was at home unaware of the invasion taking place until the day after when police came to our home to inform me of their death. Our home was near the countryside so they were buried in the garden at the back of the house.

Returning to school was just as miserable as before just now with the realisation that aliens do exist there is a new group of Xenophobes marching around the school targeting anyone who sticks out in their view. Brining my mind back to the lesson the professor is explaining the three laws of physics, reaching for my pencil my hand suddenly changes. As if it was covered in various sheets of metal wrapping around my fingers before returning to normal, I quickly react by stuffing my right hand into my pocket praying that no one saw. Unluckily, my prayers were left unanswered as I heard a click of a photo being taken.

Not daring to turn around I continue to hope that it was merely my imagination and that I'm over stressed after my parent's death. Hearing the sound of the bell I quickly stuff my things into my bag and head to my locker before I start the long journey home.

Exiting the gates of the school:

As I leave the safety of the gates I'm confronted by a group of students more specifically the Jocks of the school who coincidentally are the leaders of the Xenophobe group.

"Hey guys, are you hear to recruit me?", I joke to them. They just smirk.

"We know what you are Freak!", the captain shouts. This causes a crowd to form. I begin to worry now, someone saw me.

"W- What do you mean?", I stutter. The circle of jocks closing around me. Suddenly with no warning I'm pushed to the ground and bombarded with fists and kicks to my face and body. I call for help yet it never comes. I slowly close my eyes and then I hear something, a deep sinister growl.

'Don't beg for mercy. Become Merciless and become what they fear!' , the voice awakens something within me as my eyes glow (f/c).

3rd POV:

Suddenly there's a scream of fear that begins to infect the rest of the jocks in the circle. Stepping back the figure kneeling on the floor begins to change, his body sprouting large metal spikes around his body pointing and shaping into different angles, the sound of metal hitting metal rings in the air as the body begins to grow in size reaching around 25ft in size stepping on some of his previous tormentors as he transforms into this towering figure.

A/n: for reference

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A/n: for reference.

The screams becoming music to his ears Y/n looks down adjusting to his new size. Looking down on his tormentors running in panic he laughs the same sinister growl as that voice before the transformation. Hearing the sirens in the distance he decides that he needs to quickly escape before the army or even worse the Avengers are called in. Just as he thought of the word 'escape' he quickly vanished from the school and reappeared at his home out in the countryside.

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