The Skeleton Knight in a modern world.

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Y/n's POV:

Ugh, my head feels so fuzzy.

I open my eyes and instead of seeing my desk and my work computer I am lying against a large single tree within a vast desert. Turning my head from left to right all I can see are large sand dunes covering the area as far as the eye can see. Confused by this I look down at my body but instead of seeing my usual unwashed (f/c) tshirt and joggers I am instead covered from head to toe in large white and gold armour with a (f/c) cape attached to the back.

Hang on a second, I recognise this armour...

This is the armour from my avatar from a game I played during my free time, I reach my now huge metal clad arms to my head and remove the helmet tucking it under my right arm as my left hand scratches my head. Then I remembered something, looking down at the reflection of my helmet I saw a skull. There was no flesh, no skin, only bones.

"What the hell?! I've become my avatar.", I exclaimed in shock standing up and spinning in circles like a dog following its tail.

"Well, there's no point worrying about it

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"Well, there's no point worrying about it. It's unusual because I can still see my HUD from the game. But this is all too real to be from a game. If this is the case I must have all my skills and gear as well?", I pondered.

Since the map feature on my hud was useless I began to walk south of the tree while testing out some simple skills that I could remember. Using the skill [Sprint] helped a lot with crossing the sandy dunes with very little trouble and soon I came across what seemed to be an abandoned village I was about to pass it until I heard a feminine scream coming from one of the huts followed by a gruff male voice.

"Shut up! No one will come to save you! And once we sell you off we'll be rich! Ha! Ha! Ha!", the gruff male laughed.

Without thinking I quickly rushed to the scream putting my helmet back on and equipping my longsword and crashed through one of the stone walls of the hut crushing a male figure beneath me. Looking at the scene there were five men in the small room along with a young African girl who wore something similar to that of tribal and modern garments.

The men on the other hand looked to be dressed in military uniforms, dark green camo trousers along with black boots and sleeveless black tops with what looked like AK-47's hung over their shoulders. Once they realised my presence they quickly grasped their guns while who I guessed was the leader grabbed the girl as some sort of shield.

"How disgusting!", my voice boomed and echoed from my helmet as I grasped the handle of my blade and stepped forward towards the group.

"H-hey! S-stand back or I-I'll kill the girl!", the leader shouted.

I stopped for a moment before I grasped the sword tighter than before and performed a crescent slash with the sword beheading the four other men as their blood splattered onto the sandstone walls. The leader looked back towards his men before throwing the girl at me and making a break towards the exit.

In retaliation I brought my sword down onto the man and cleaved him in half and my blade cracked the ground beneath me. Slowly I turned towards the girl who was shaking in fear as she looked up to the slits of my visor.

Ahh, I didn't think this through. If I take of my helmet she'll probably be even more scared of me. I placed my sword into the sheath on my back as I kneeled in front of the girl.

"I'm sorry for the fright, I only meant to save you when I heard the scream. I am a Holy Knight and my name is Y/n. What is yours?", I ask in a calm voice as best as I can with this new body of mine reaching my right hand out for a handshake.

Slowly the girl is broken out of her shock as she bows towards me and replies "T-thank you for saving me. My name is S-Shuri.", she spoke and soon after began to cry. Not knowing what to do in this situation I leaned closer towards her and gave a comforting hug as I rubbed her back.


It has been a few days since I had rescued Shuri from those men and we were now making our way to her home, during our journey she had told me a lot about her village like how she was actually a princess and that her people worship the Egyptian goddess Bast. It was really interesting to hear about her culture, if I was being honest I was quite excited to see it, the way it was described it sounded less like a village and more like a kingdom.

Along the way, we had come across various villages all that were occupied by militia and terrorists but I remember one time that as soon as Shuri and I entered a village all the terrorists had approached us and threw down their guns begging us not to kill them. I was baffled by the experience as what I had expected was for bullets and heads to go flying but nonetheless instead of making them leave the village I told them to protect it instead that way the village wouldn't be raided by other parties the residents accepted this proposal and we continued on our way.

"Y/n,", Shuri spoke breaking me from my thoughts, "you've changed so many peoples lives here. If you want I can ask Father if you could stay in Wakanda?", she suggested.

"Let's get you home first Shuri, as much as I like this idea I also want to travel the world. Something that I didn't get to do before, I'd like to see this world's beauty.", I replied as we stopped at a cliff side in a forest area.

Looking down in the far distance there were a few huts and a large wooden fence, coming out of the huts were men with bright blue and green robes scouting around the area.

"There! That's the border tribe. I can't wait to see everyone.", Shuri exclaimed and without warning ran down towards the huts. For a 13 year old she's surprisingly fast.

As I began to run after her she had already approached the guards, "Shuri!", I shouted which alerted the guards who drew their spears and aimed them at me.

By instinct I grasped my sword stopping a few feet in front of them. The leader of the guards pushed Shuri behind him and strolled towards me, his spear still raised.

"How dare you take the Princess, I shall dispose of you!", he shouted. Uh oh there seems to be a misunderstanding.

Before I could explain myself the man charged me, his silver spear raised before he struck the chest plate of my armour pushing me back slightly. As I didn't want to harm them I swung my sword like a bat using the flat end to swat the warrior away. He was flung a few feet from me and crashed into the hut causing the roof to collapse onto him. This put the other guards on edge as three other then cautiously moved around me while the last one held Shuri behind him, she tried to tell them to stop but it was no use.

Quickly they sprinted towards me, aiming for the gaps of my armour, since my body was too large I was unable to dodge all of them. Only managing to dodge one from the left but the two from the right and front were able to jam their spears into the gaps between my shoulders and chest. The result caused Shuri to scream in despair, since she didn't know I was an undead, I stayed still for a few moments until the guards relaxed before I quickly grasped their spears and disarmed them. I stood at my full height and began to remove the spears, the guards were lying on the floor in slight terror as the spears fell to the floor as clean as before.

"I'm sorry Shuri but I haven't been entirely truthful to you,", I began as I reached for my helmet removing it. Once removed I used my left hand to give me some shade from the sun, the reason despite being immune to sunlight it would be best to pretend I have a weakness to it this would both protect me and anyone else I come across, Shuri gasped in fear as she gazed at my skeletal face as the glow of my (f/c) eyes looked back at her.

"I'm not human.", I finished. Shuri still hadn't moved so I began to put my helmet back on and turned from the group walking back into the forest. However, before I fully disappeared I felt a light tugging on my cape turning around I saw Shuri holding onto my cape tightly.

"P-please don't leave.", she muttered.

A/n: how was that? Thought it would be a cool idea for a fantasy marvel type story.

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