Neither of us are human anymore.

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Y/n's POV:

"Y/n! Watch out!", I heard my father yell as I felt him push me but it was too late as the mixture of chemicals from an unknown source cascaded over my body.

I remember the feeling of the liquids tearing my skin apart as my bones began to melt, I could hear my fathers pained and dying screams until everything faded to darkness.

As soon as it did I suddenly opened my eyes to see the familiar dark oak roof of my bedroom, the same nightmare that I have every night, if only it was just a nightmare as I felt my arm drip onto the floor due to a lack of concentration. Getting out of bed I reached for the puddle of clay that used to be my arm. It soon collected together and melted into my foot as my arm reformed. Sighing at the process I decided to clean up and get dressed, as I made my way downstairs I made some breakfast a simple bowl of cereal and a cup of tea.

Once finished I ran back upstairs to collect my bag from my room before I exited my home, which was a two story wooden cabin in the forest that bordered the small town of Forks, I only moved here two years ago since the accident but there is still something off about this place.

As I entered the school I came across one of my friends?... Acquaintances, yeah. Acquaintances. Rosalie Hale, she was a fairly emotionless girl with blonde hair and piercing golden eyes I gave her a casual wave as she replied in kind before being swarmed by her family of Emmet, Alice and Jasper who were coming in the opposite direction of the corridor I was in.

Walking past them I unintentionally eavesdropped as I heard Alice speak, "Hey, why don't you talk to him already?", she asked as Rosalie looked at me before looking back at Alice. I saw that as my cue to leave before I had to socialise any further.

It's funny though, despite being in this school for 2 years I'm still treated like an outsider. Then again even I wouldn't want to be friends with myself, I only know Rosalie by coincidence as I had accidentally bumped into her and knocked her books to the ground when rushing to a class. She is a woman of few words but her glare could cut through mountains. I was broken out of my thoughts when the class was started, I got out my books and began to learn.


Finally, school is over. As I made my way back home it felt like I was being watched or more specifically hunted as I slowly turned around to find a bear standing on its hind legs before it suddenly roared at my face as its saliva splattered onto my cheek.

A sigh escaped my lips as I wiped off the bears spit as my body began to bubble and change, absorbing my clothes and school bag. My (h/c) hair slowly melted into my skin as it too became a cool greyish colour, my (e/c) eyes began to sink into their sockets yet still allowing me to see, my teeth began to sharpen and become jagged as I towered over the unfortunate creature. Once my transformation was complete, you could definitely describe me as some sort of monster.

 Once my transformation was complete, you could definitely describe me as some sort of monster

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