vii. cupcakes

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vii. cupcakes

Derek was having fun spending the night at Atlas's. They would put on some old movie or tv show than cuddle, maybe do a little more, than sleep side by side. Than the morning alarm would go off, that Atlas would slam his hand down on and let himself and Derek sleep in until his mother came and banged on his door, telling him that she would come in and drag both their asses out of bed.

Momma Lee could be scary sometimes. Speaking of momma Lee, she knew the two males were dating and was over the moon. She tried — tried — to let Derek and Atlas to allow her to throw a party

Once Lilla had gotten the two men out of bed (most morning having to go in and grab their feet to pull them out of bed) Atlas and Derek would get ready for the day— by now Derek even had an outfit at Atlas's, but sometimes he used Atlas clothes that fit. There was always a hoodie that Atlas had hanging over his head board, why? Because it was Dereks and it smelt like him.

"Der, wake up." Atlas rolls over, peacefully waking up his boyfriend who groans a response.

Derek whines, most likely wanting Atlas to stop moving so he can cuddle. But Atlas doesn't stop moving, not wanting his mother to come and drag himself and  the half naked man right beside him out of bed.

Now, and important question, why did Atlas and his siblings still live with their parents. Why not? It was easy, they weren't pushy or overwhelming. Atlas's mother always cooked for him and his boyfriend. She did most of his laundry. (only if it was left out) Atlas father always found time to install new shelves for Atlas's books. And Atlas loved seeing his family every day. They were his family after all, through thick and thin.

Would he miss his mother dragging him out of bed every morning? No. Does that mean he's not great full for it? No, he appreciates everything his mother does for him.

But now that he and Derek were taking a few steps forward, maybe Atlas would have to consider moving out. Or more Lilla convincing her son to move out so she would have to see the lovey love shit every single day—not that she didn't love it, she did, but Atlas and Derek could definitely be a tad overboard.

"You both better be up and ready by time im done breakfast." Lilla shouts through the door, her youngest children laughing in the background— they seemed to find it very funny that the two attendings were always the last ones out of bed.

The two males get ready and head downstairs where Atlas's mother moves around the kitchen. Eliza and Venus (who had become slightly good friends with each other) stand side by side eating cupcakes. That were everywhere.

"Who made the cupcakes?" Atlas asked as he reached out and grabbed one.

"Mom." Eliza snatched the muffin out of his hand and handed him a different one.

"Something hours, something ounces of chocolate, and to many cupcakes, and they still don't taste right." Lilla dryly commented.

"No, these are good. Martha Stewart would be proud. Great grandma Linda would be proud." Atlas says with a mouth full of cupcake which Derek makes a disgusted face too. Because talking with your mouth full is so peaceful—right, Atlas?

Great grandma Linda was the grandma that not many people liked, she was hard to please and every time you saw her she had something to say. Child Atlas always ran away screaming when she tried to pinch his chubby cheeks. Then again, all her grandchildren would run away when she did that.

"Yeah, look where it got her." Lilla mutters as she picks up a bowl of cupcake mix and starts to mix furiously, batter splashing around the kitchen.

Derek means closer to his boyfriend, "where did it get her?" he whispers.

"Buried deep down under." Lilla comments, having heard what Derek had asked. She didn't take offence to the question, even in reality she didn't like great grandma linda very much either.

"There's something missing, some specific ingredient. Why can't I remember?" Lilla fusses.

"You added love right?" Atlas replies to his mother with a childish grin. He remembers all the times from his childhood when his mother baked, she would tell him the secret ingredient was love.

"Oh! Atlas did you make cupcakes again!" Oliver happily skipped over towards the kitchen counter where the cupcakes were.

Oliver loved Atlas cooking and baking. Sometimes he seemed to love it even more than their own mothers cooking.

The last time Atlas had made cupcakes was when the twins graduated medical school. It was a big day and their mother was busy decorating so he took over the baking, and Oliver had been so excited about that. He missed his older brothers baking (which he got a lot when he was younger.)

Oliver lifts the cupcake to his mouth and takes a big bite, half of the bite he took not fitting in his mouth. Oliver's face twists up in confusion, the cupcakes didn't taste like Atlas baking at all, meaning it was his mother's baking. (not that he minded...much.)

"Those are not your cupcakes." Oliver swallows the mouthful of cupcake he has. 

"Look, just call her. Call your mother and ask. Because you seem to be having a problem with these cupcakes." Brian tells his wife, who was really trying her hardest to make the cupcakes taste right, or even tastes like her mother's.

"I don't want to call my mother." She says back.

Lilla moves out of her husbands arms and towards the counter to get more ingredients but Oliver steps in front of her and grabs everything into his arms. Said male literally dumps the ingredients in his older brothers arms.

"Can you please make me cupcakes." Oliver gives his best puppy dog eyes.

"Olie—" Atlas goes to deny.

"Derek tell him to say yes." Oliver practically begs.

Derek turns towards Atlas, who heavily sighs and places the ingredients down. He moves around the kitchen and pulls out two aprons. Atlas places the one that says "kiss the baker!" over his head well Derek places one over his own head that says "don't make me poison you!".

Derek laughs lightly at his boyfriend apron, he leans in and places a kiss on his lips before the two engage in an intense mission to bake Oliver the best cupcakes ever.

They were the best cupcakes Oliver had had so far in his life.

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now