ooc. cameron

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ooc. cameron

"I feel bad." Atlas muttered as he walked beside of Derek, his hand intertwined with his husbands. "Do you feel bad?"

Derek sighed, this has been a constant conversation the two have been having for a little while now. "You know I do, love. But this is in motion, we can't just back out because of everything that had happened."

"We could wait another week? It's not like they'll push us away and never let us here again." Atlas paused, stopping in the middle of the hallway as he pulled his husbands arm. "We could always come back."

Derek let go of his husbands hand. He placed his warm hands on Atlas's shoulders and make sure they were face to face when he was going to talk again. "Love, Atly, my wonderful husband. We have been waiting for awhile to be here, this is our change for another kid."

Atlas and Derek were at an appointment to meet with a little boy, a child who social workers believed would be a great fit in the Lee-Sunny-Shepherd family. The little boy was three, only about eighteen months ( a year and four months ) older than Starlee was. His name is Cameron, and he's got a bright smile.

Atlas already felt like this little boy could be his son. Maybe it was the way that the pictures he had fit perfectly in his wallet and on his fridge, or perhaps it was the way he needed parents and Atlas and Derek were right there.

"You're right." Atlas nodded as he started to walk forward, leaving his husband standing there.

"Wait?! Atlas, get back here!" Derek called out, quickly moving his feet to catch up to his husband. Atlas was already through a set of doors and sitting in a colourful waiting room when he stepped through the doors finally. Derek sat down beside his husband, eyes narrowed when he looked over. "You were supposed to get back here when I yelled."

Atlas chuckled, smiling widely as he watched a couple a few seats away laugh and smiled well they waited to be called. "Sorry, love."

"Atlas Lee-Sunny? Derek Shepherd?"

There was something about the way their names were called that send a rush of feelings through the happy couple. Atlas and Derek stood quickly, locking hands and moving towards the woman who was kindly smiling. She lead the two towards a room, a glass door where a little kid was sitting on a carpeted floor playing with toy trucks. A male, dresses in all green smiled up at them and waved them in.

"Hi, I'm Jonah." The one in all green said, standing up and extending his hand for the two to shake.

"Atlas, and my husband, Derek." The married couple shook hands with Jonah. "It's very nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well." Jonah sat back down, pointing to some bean bag chairs that Atlas and Derek could sit in if they chose. "This is Cameron. Cammy, can you say hi?"

The little blond boy looked up, "Hi."

"Hi, Cameron." Atlas knelt, reaching for a toy truck with blue paint and big wheels. "I have this exact toy truck at home."

Cameron looked up with happy eyes. "Wow! Really?"

"Really." Derek nodded along, sitting on the floor and rolling a toy car that looked like Atlas around. "And we have a big sized one of this one."


╚═ ☆ ═╝

"You want on a case, little Grey?" Atlas questioned, stepping towards Lexie who was leaning against a nurses station going over a chart.

"Me?" Lexie looked up, eyes wide and a star struck expression on her face. When Atlas nodded, Lexie beamed and stood up straight. "Yes! Yes!"

Atlas had a valve placement that he was looking for a resident to do. Not that he didn't like doing valve placements, it was calming most days and an easy thing he's got down. He likes teaching. "Awesome! O.R. 3. Patient in room 3672 can be prepped. Go along, I'll meet you there."

Lexie ran off, leaving the chart behind on the counter that Atlas ended up putting away. He didn't mind, smiling as he waved towards some nurses who didn't look surprised at him putting things away.

When he showed up to the O.R, he was glad to see that Lexie was already scrubbed and read to start. She was standing on the assisting side, and didn't move until Atlas stepped closer to her.

"You're in the wrong spot." Atlas spoke slowly, eyeing the spot where the lead surgeon would normally stand, where he wanted Lexie to stand.

Lexie went red. "Oh my gosh! I'm so so sorry." She moved away from the operating table. Atlas took a step back. "Again, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Lex." Atlas paused. "You're the lead surgeon today."

Lexie beamed once again, grinning underneath her blue surgical mask. "Me?"

"Yes, you." Atlas chuckled and watched as Lexie nervously stood closer to the operating table. She got to work, opening the patient and doing everything she needed to do.

By time it was closing time, the phone on a small metal tray started to beep rapidly. It was Atlas's phone. "Doctor, Lee-Sunny? It's your phone."

Atlas stepped away, letting a nurse hold the phone to his ear.

"Hi. It's Jonah from this morning..." It's like the breath left Atlas's lungs and it wouldn't return until Jonah finished what he was saying. "Cameron is asking about you, he won't go to sleep, he'd like to say hi. I think he'd like you to say goodnight as well."

Atlas smiled, allowing the air to re-enter his lungs. "Cameron, hi, buddy." The surgeon spoke, a nurse having pulled his mask down slightly.

"Hi Atly." Cameron said quietly.

"Hey bud. It's time for bed, yeah. You know what? You go to bed now, and how about I tell you a story next time I see you? I can even read you to sleep next time."

Atlas could see Cameron smiling in his head. It was bright, and the young boy was nodding rapidly.

"Okay Atly, thank you."

"Of course, bud. Goodnight, Cam."

¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now