cxv. dream a dream of me

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cxv. dream a dream of me

Derek rolled over in bed, his body bumping into a colder one. Considering he was often always warm when he slept, always having blankets scattered around and never actually on him, a cold body next to him was good or even great. One of his eyelids opened and he peeked at the person next to him.

"Hey. Kiddo, wake up." Derek nudged the person in his bed. It's his son, Cameron. On his other side, nuzzled against his shoulder is Starlee, who snores softly.

"Breakfast!" Atlas called out, his loud voice bouncing off the walls. He had woken up early, taken a picture of his kids snuggling against his husband, and made his way to the kitchen where he would make breakfast.

Derek sighed deeply, the two kids laying beside him were not budging. So, he placed a warm hand on their shoulders and shook, letting both children wake up and start to giggle..

"Daddy!" Starlee spoke from her lying position on the ground, acting like she had never been shaken or tickled.

Derek only chuckled as he reached out and helped the two off his bed, pushing them lightly towards the bedroom door. "Breakfast is ready, kiddos."

Both kids cheered. Starlee grabbed onto her father's hand and started to pull him along, running as quick as he little feet would take her. Cameron ran beside them, his sister surprisingly fast for her age.

The three made their way down the stairs and through the hallways to get to the dining room, which held the strong smell of breakfast goodness. Starlee sits in her pink chair, Cameron in his blue chair, Derek in his green chair, Oliver in his orange chair, Eliza in her purple chair, baby Brian in his rainbow coloured high chair, Lila in her red chair, and Atlas hasn't sat in his yellow chair yet.

A mug of tea, and a glass of water were placed in front of Derek. Atlas smiles and chuckles as he does so, his husband smiling back.

"Thank you." Derek said kindly, his mind flashing to when he had been given a glass of coffee and tea from Atlass' mother.

"Of course, my love! Now please, dig in!" Atlas chirped, waving his hand around to signal the group to eat. He had made lots of food, and it was their big once a month sunday dinner. ( Unfortunately, Mark is working and so is Meredith. )

Atlas dumped a great amount of food on his plate once he had sat down. He's ready to dig in, until the front door clicked and opened.

"Mark? Meredith" Atlas' looked towards the front door, where the two were walking into the dining room.

"Sorry, we're late." The elder male, who wore a leather jacket and had shown up late, apologised. In all fairness they both had been working.

"It's all right Mark, you're here now." Lilla told her son-in-law.

Atlas looked over at Derek and his plate. He could tell Derek felt slightly out of place, that he still wasn't so used to the big breakfasts they had. Atlas nudged his elbow into Derek. "Try the pancakes, and bacon, they're the best you'll ever have."

Derek placed the food on his plate. It wasn't that he wasn't hungry, because he was—he was starving. But his husband was right, they were the best he would ever have.

Dereks eyes looked between all the family members that were seated at the table. They all looked happy, like they belonged. And, Derek felt like he did too.  Which was a good feeling.

He was home within those walls and with those people.

"Der, you done?" Lilla asked once she noticed the man beside her had stopped eating.

Derek cleared his throat, "Yeah."

Lila stood up, her own plate in one hand and Dereks in the other. She walked into the kitchen with Derek following behind like a lost puppy. Placing the dishes in the sink, she turned the water to a hot setting before starting to wash the dishes.

"Are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna help?" Lila joked, but Derek rolled up his sleeves and started to dry the clean dishes. Derek chuckled and pointed a soapy finger at his husband who walked into the kitchen.

"Don't point your soapy finger at me!" Atlas told his husband, but his voice was full of lightness, he was joking.

Derek scooped up a big handful of bubbles before throwing them at his husbands, they didn't get to far —most of them going up and landing on the floor.

"Did you just do what I think you did?!" Oliver gasped as he entered the kitchen, he looked between Atlas and Derek.

Derek took a step back, he wasn't sure if Atlas was going to throw the left over fruit salad, or the orange juice, or something else.

"What's gonna happen now..." Mark asked Oliver once he had stepped into the kitchen.

"I'm not sure, I'm guessing Atlas will throw the pan at him." Eliza guessed as she came to stand beside her twin brother husband.

"Love! We just bought that, you don't want to reck anything. Right, sweetheart?" Derek called out to his husband, trying to get him to put the pan down.

Derek watched Atlas slowly move backwards and placed the pan on the counter top, in exchange, Atlas picked up the bowl of fruit salad and threw the contents.

"Not the guy with perfect hair!" Oliver cried poking a finger out at Derek.

Derek watched as Lilla grabbed a bowl and dumped all of the batter that had been inside, all over her sons head.  "Ha! I win!" Lilla cheered.

She hadn't even been playing, but that's how it had all worked.

They were happy; everyone smiled and talked with each other, they laughed and shared stories.

╚═ ☆ ═╝

Derek gasps as he wakes up. His eyes gloss over with tears.

He's still in the forest, and he realizes that the breakfast he had just seen, and the wholesome happy moment, was all just a dream.


¹ 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹𝘀, 𝐝.𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now